
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Like Conservatives Care About Chicago!

A person from Flickr took the picture of Chicago city limits sign.

Last time I've checked, Chicago, Detroit, San Francisco, New Orleans, Cleveland, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Miami, Los Angeles, New York, Washington, D.C., and Atlanta are American cities.

Somewhere in those cities, a conservative viewer or listener is probably pissed that a talk radio agitator or cable news channel had the audacity to bash their hometown.

The conservative agitators in the junk food media claim the Democrat (sic) controlled cities are wastelands.

They believe whenever a Democratic mayor is in charge of a city, urban crime is rampant.

Blacks are forever trapped in urban blight, poverty, unemployment and handouts. Union thugs are front and center. They're destroying the "free market capitalism" of American business. Illegal "aliens" are setting up shop and probably anchoring their children in these cities.

This is a conservative word vomit.

These cities are "shit holes" says some White extremists who usually word vomit on a blog or white supremacist forum.

The conservatives and White extremists want to prove a point by saying that if a Democrat is elected to office, then your cities are going to hell.
America's third largest city is Chicago, Illinois.
Last time, I've checked, I am reminded that every time a Republican gets into office, the country wealthy thrive while the poor fight and kill one another for the very things the wealthy have.

Whenever a Republican gets into office, they'll sign away legislation that may endanger the environment and either the safety of American living here and abroad. They will give firearms more liberties than a woman who wants the choice to have an abortion if she was raped.

They want to keep Blacks and Hispanics either in jail or in their areas (i.e. the hood or Mexico).

So it's no surprise that Republicans and their conservative agitating friend are bashing on Chicago.

Chicago is the third largest American city. The population of the city is 3.5 million and Cook County holds 5.5 million people as a whole. The area expands from Northeastern Illinois, Southern Wisconsin and Northwestern Indiana.

Chicago is the hometown of President Barack Obama and current mayor Rahm Emmanuel.
Bill-O is the country's most watched agitator.
The reasons for the conservative "concern" about young Blacks dying is to prove to their gullible audience that the Trayvon Martin protests are just liberal reactionary outrage.

[The liberals] scream for Trayvon Martin but never the hundreds of young Black teens, Black adults, and other people of color being killed in Chicago says the conservatives agitators.

Conservatives want to dismiss the protest rallies as another attempt at ginning up Black anger towards Republicans and George Zimmerman.

The Trayvon Martin Protest Rallies have address gun control, Black on Black crime and the verdict. Unfortunately, the message is lost in the crowd whenever there's a violent act happening in America.

For every rally there's been a murder somewhere in urban America. For every honest discussion about race in America, a racial extremist wants to discredit these protests as a "mob" and warn the White suburbanites that the protesters are "looting and rioting".

Chicago death toll has reached 233.

Chicago was among one of the first U.S. cities to build an integrated emergency response center to coordinate the city's response to natural disasters, gang violence, and terrorist attacks. Built in 1995, the center is integrated with more than 2000 cameras, communications with all levels of city government, and a direct link to the National Counterterrorism Center. Police credited surveillance cameras with contributing to decreased crime in 2004.
Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel. The politico was once President Barack Obama's chief of staff and was a long serving Democratic congressman from the northwest quadrant of Chicago.
Recently installed anti-crime cameras are capable of pinpointing gunshot sounds, calculating where the shots were fired, and pointing and zooming the cameras in the direction of the shots within a two-block radius.

Since surveillance cameras have been placed in high-crime areas, some Chicagoans feel uneasy about being so closely watched, but others believe their streets are safer.

The cameras have prompted some calls of discrimination since they have been placed in areas of gang activity and high gun violence that also are chiefly occupied by blacks and Latinos.

And yes, I conclude that gang violence is domestic terrorism. That's the truth. No lie.

I haven't watched Bill-O in a while. But there's talk about his epic meltdown on his program Monday. This agitator has the nerve to claim that Blacks are baby popping faster than Hispanics at 73%.

This agitator had the nerve to say that rap music, television, entertainers (i.e. Jamie Foxx), President Barack Obama, Rev. Perm and Cut His Nuts Off Jackson are responsible for the epic turmoils facing the Black community.

Not the economic gap between races.

Not the cultural divisions.

Bill-O assumes that all Black men are "natural born criminals" and "unruly".

He claims that the president has rushed to judgment on the George Zimmerman trial.

Of course, calling Black leaders as "race hustlas" when they're express their freedoms to assemble a protest.

You know I've been talking way too much about That Guy Who Helped Obama Win. I just am getting to the point where I've had enough of his profit rage. This scumbag continues to attack President Barack Obama by running around claiming he knows the names of every victim who's died in Chicago.

Hence the talking points that come down to liberal talk radio agitators Alan Colmes, Stephanie Miller, Bill Press, Ed Schultz and Randi Rhodes.
Hadiya Pendleton was killed a few weeks after attending the president's inauguration this year.
For the last few days, the liberal agitators had express concern and sorrow for the family of Trayvon Martin.

Whenever these liberal agitators get a caller who disagrees with their opinion, I swear on my word that they've word vomited that scumbag's talking points from Loserville.

Like I've said, nobody gives a damn about those innocent lives lost in Chicago.

These conservative agitators (as well as the liberal agitators) aren't willing to inspire young people to become entertainers of talk radio.

I don't see any Black conservative going into these areas with their bibles and Ronald Reagan t-shirts.

I don't see any White conservative making a difference in the Black community. All I see from those who talk on radio is bullshit. Bullshit in the front of the cameras.

Conservatives weren't so focused on Hadiya Pendleton.
The president mentions Chicago murder victim, House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) rolls his eyes.
Reminder to those who watched the State of The Union Address. When the president mentioned gun crimes in Chicago and Newtown, Connecticut, the Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-Ohio) rolled his eyes.

Loserville is the nation's most watched cable news network. It's a cesspool of WHITE, OLD, IGNORANT, CONSERVATIVE MEN. The network doesn't have the decency to cover at least one funeral for a Black victim.

This network run for every MISSING WHITE WOMAN story.

The network cuts off the president's speeches to the nation.

Why would anyone ever take this network seriously when it practically spits in the face of Black America?

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