
Monday, July 22, 2013

Joe Scarborough: Hannity Is An A**hole With These Trayvon Martin Attacks!

Blow Joe and That Guy Who Helped Obama Win are feuding with one another. 

On a positive note, the acquitted George Zimmerman tries to make amends. He helps rescue a family who was injured in an accident off Interstate 4 near Florida State Route 417 Tollway in Sanford, Florida.

The country's most hated man has emerged from hiding to do "the right thing".

He wants to at least show some indigenous regret for his predicament.

Regardless of what he does, he's still a killer in the eyes of most Americans. Although I give him props for saving this family, it doesn't change the fact that man killed an unarmed teen. That teen didn't do anything to that man. He was minding his business and this Zimmerman started the confrontation by going after him.

The conservative agitators are saying: "See that George Zimmerman is a "great guy", look how he saved these people in an accident."

The Justice Department is investigating whether Zimmerman violated the civil rights of Trayvon Martin.

There's a major feud going on in the junk food media. There's a civil war within the conservative movement and it's taken its toll on the Republicans.

Senator Mike Enzi (R-Wyoming) is going to face Liz Cheney, the daughter of former vice president Dick Cheney in a Republican primary. This is going to be one of the most watched senate races in America.

Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) lost his NRA membership after he voted for bipartisan gun bill and called upon states to reexamine the "Stand Your Ground" laws.

Senator Marco Rubio (R-Florida) gambled his chances with the Tea Party. He and McCain along with Senator Lindsay Graham (R-South Carolina) have aided the Democrats in passing comprehensive immigration reform. That Senate managed to do something that couldn't be done in over 25 years. The Republican members of the U.S. House are going to find ways to "kill" the bill before the president signs it.

The Republican Party's most annoying Tea Party members Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky), Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Senator Tim Scott (R-South Carolina) are calling for a purge of all moderates and they're working to get rid of the members who support the president's policies.

The television agitators aren't better either. Obama News commentator Joe Scarborough (Blow Joe) and Loserville's That Guy Who Helped Obama Win are feuding with one another. Each of them are personally calling each other "liberal" and "sell-outs" to the conservative movement.

Since the rating "cooling off" period of Obama News, Loserville has gleefully mocked the network for being enablers of "racism", and ultra-Obama butt kissers!

Obama News has called Loserville, the talking points of the Republican Party.

In the Friday edition of his right wing radio carnival, That Guy Who Helped Obama Win slams the president's impromptu speech about race in America.

President Barack Obama elaborated on the days when he was a student and he was racially profiled while going to Harvard University. He told the press pool that "he could have been Trayvon Martin!"

So That Guy Who Helped Obama Wins says that the president and Martin shared two things in common, the chooms, the weed and the blow.

"Now the president's saying Trayvon could've been me 35 years ago," That Guy Who Helped Obama Win said on his radio show. "This is a particularly helpful comment. Is that the president admitting that I guess because what, he was part of the Choom Gang and he smoked pot and he did a little blow — I'm not sure how to interpret because we know that Trayvon had been smoking pot that night."

That led to criticism of the conservative agitator.

Here's a reminder of a racial profiling incident. In 2009, Henry "Skip" Gates and Cambridge, Massachusetts police officer James Crowley got into a heated dispute. The incident got to the president's attention at a press conference. The incident sparked controversy when the president said the Cambridge Police "acted stupidly" when his friend, Harvard professor, Henry "Skip" Gates was arrested in his own home.

Blow Joe has a show that's in the morning. He, Mika Brzezinski and Willie Geist took over after Don Imus (Rusty Imus) was sent to the unemployment line after the  "Nappy Headed Hoes" comment.
Two polarizing figures. The slain teenager Trayvon Martin and the former neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman open the Pandora's box of "racial extremism" from those in the junk food media.
Rusty Imus and That Guy Who Helped Obama Win are "best buddies' now since he helped him get a spot on Fox Business Network.

Blow Joe slams the conservative agitator for using Trayvon Martin to "gin up ratings" and calling his attack on the teen, "disgraceful".

"It seems we keep hearing that Trayvon had it coming because he had pot in his system," Blow Joe said. "I keep hearing this from people like That Guy Who Helped Obama Win and others on the right. Really?

Would we like to go across college campuses in America and tell all white boys that if they have marijuana in their system then they are fair game?"

"In 2013, [That Guy Who Helped Obama Win], come on," he added later. "Whatever excuse there is to say this young black man had it coming to him, that is the defense because there is no defense for shooting down a young black man in a middle class neighborhood with Skittles."

Blow Joe called the case "depressing." Later, he said that even others in the far right media have called the conservative agitator out. "That Guy Who Helped Obama Win has been ginning this up so badly that... Michael Savage (Savage Weiner) has been saying that he's been irresponsible and that he's using race to gin up his ratings in a way that's bad for America," Scarborough said. "That's how extreme That Guy Who Helped Obama Win's position has been."

Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson agreed with the assertion. They both think That Guy Who Helped Obama Win is encouraging extremism within the conservative movement.

On the radio show, That Guy responds back and slams Obama News for being the biggest ass kissers for Trayvon Martin's family and President Barack Obama. He was telling his gullible audience about the pending lawsuit against the network filed by George Zimmerman.

Zimmerman is suing the network for slander and libel after it was revealed the 911 audiotape was edited to make the acquitted murderer look like a "racist".

This war of words are nothing but a bunch of arm chair bullshitting from the likes of That Guy and Blow Joe.

They both suck dirt and play upon the fears of Black America. Although Blow Joe shows a little more respect for the Black community, he's a Republican. He's an enabler of the outrageous crap that comes to this blog and word vomit about how it's us and "not them" being the racist.

We know That Guy Who Helped Obama Win and That Guy Who Throws Shit To The Wall are notorious race-baiters. It's a given for all the talk about "urban crime in America".

Here's the videos.


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