
Sunday, July 21, 2013

What's The Deal With Loserville Running Pictures Of Trayvon Martin With The Gold Teeth?

The folks over at Loserville run this picture on their network to scare their guillible audience into thinking that Trayvon Martin is a "scary Black man".

You notice every freaking time I've tuned into Loserville News Sunday they covered Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman controversy!

The protest rallies happen over the weekend and I've seen the coverage. This network uses more pictures of Trayvon Martin with gold teeth than normal pictures of him as a young teenager.

As with most news channels, Loserville has covered the aftermath of the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman controversy. In a way, they'll claim that they're the only network that gave a "fair and balance" approach to the George Zimmerman trial.

The conservative agitators (and those on this network) will say that it's the fault of President Barack Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, NAACP, Rev. Perm and Cut His Nuts Off Jackson.

In some way I've come to notice that Loserville uses the pictures of Martin showing off his "golden grill". The picture of him with gold teeth is something of significance to the conservative/white supremacist bubble.

Whenever they use these picture of Trayvon Martin in a negative light, it makes me shake my head.

The pictures of him blowing smoke rings, flipping the bird, wearing his earbuds and having pictures with his gold grill: SOUND THE ALARMS, SCARY BLACK GUY!
Loserville makes claims about the unarmed teenager. 
This is the subliminal stuff that goes on in the conservative media. They want to run around with this notion that the teenager is a violent prone thug. Clearly, that's what the ALL WHITE JURY saw in the evidence.

That's clearly what George Zimmerman, his brother, his father and his wife see in Trayvon Martin, President Barack Obama and every Black male teenager in America.

Whenever the pictures appear on the white extremist shitholes, I've looked upon this as how conservatives look upon Black America as the "enemy".

They'll line up tokens to disspell the notion that conservatism isn't dosed in racism. Note I said conservatism, not Republicans. The Republican Party is a national party that supports conservatism. So if it's guilt by association, then hell they're enablers of the extremism within the conservative movement.

Look here, That Guy Who Helped Obama Win is the country's enabler of extremism. He goes to the defense of the racial extremists and nit wits.

This network and conservative talk radio are enablers of extremism. You listen to the agitators. You listen to the callers. Think about it?
The Republican mouthpiece.
The White extremists are upset over the fact that the Hispanic population is growing. They're upset that the nation would elect in their mind a "morally stupid" person like Barack Obama to be the nation's president.

The White extremist are so concerned about crime statistics in the urban communities only when it comes to issues such as a White man killing a Black man. They don't see that White males are more dangerous than the Black man, the Latino man and the practicing Muslim.

You hear all this talk about gun control in urban areas. They want to take away guns from those who defend themselves when police aren't there to protect them in their own neighborhoods. They want to give White men more opportunities to carry firearms in the public. They'll allow them to use them in bars, schools, and churches.

They'll be figuring ways to collapse laws that protect the innocent. So you know if every state would have a "Stand Your Ground" law, it would be the "Splinter Cell" video game.

Loserville and the conservative agitators in the media are the reasons for unrest in America. They sought opportunity to take advantage of the first Black president by calling him things that you'll never hear them say about a White president. I mean we all have our disagreements with our leaders, but this one is different.

President Barack Obama is constantly on egg shells when it comes to race. Knowing that a lot of people are still uncomfortable with his race, he tries to appeal as best as he could to most issues.

They don't give him a break when it came to Sandra Fluke. Fluke was a 30-something White woman who became a target of a smear campaign over issues that affect woman (of all color).

They didn't give him a break when it came to Chardon, Ohio, Clackamas, Oregon, Aurora, Colorado, Newtown, Connecticut and Chicago, Illinois. They figured that he's trying to take their guns or he's trying to muster his muscle.

He can't catch a break from either the Democratic Party or the Republican Party.

He's not perfect. But in the minds of conservatives, he's either a SOCIALIST or a NIGGER. Or perhaps both.

And where would they get this notion from?

The country's most watch news channel.

Thanks Chief Roger and Rupert Murdoch. Yellow journalism exists in America.

Lastly, we'll get something out of the way. The comments from some of the WHITE EXTREMISTS who visit Journal de la Reyna.

Anonymous said...

Oh god, could you be any more overdramatic? No one gives a fuck about race in a case like this-- the guy is clearly a psychopath. The race issue is more in your head than in the collective consciousness of america. You're making the fucking problem worse by making everything about race when it's not. Go away.

6:00 PM

First things, first, we will not go away! As long as I have a voice and S. Baldwin has a blog, we'll continue to move forward. We will put the prospective of what goes on in this blog and hope to accomplish a goal.

The goal is to bring light to injustice. The systematic injustice in how the junk food media covers stories about people of color. Whether they're Black, Latino, Asian, or Native American, the junk food media looks at us as the "enemy".

Overdramatic is the comments you've left.

Go away? Never.

Yeah, I agree that this person in Cleveland, Michael Madison is a monster. He was a horrible human being who should be sent to Yemen or Saudi Arabia. They'll either hang him or stone him for rape.

Those in the Middle East fear the judicial system. It's literally life or death over there.

But still, your comments are a reason to why it's very important to continue on. Race isn't much of an issue.

It's not collective consciousness to be concerned.

How could I be fucking up the country when I have the "FREEDOM OF SPEECH" to say whatever the heck I want. I didn't see any rules against challenging the "status quo"!

Again we respect an objective opinion here. We have right to post our opinion as you are given the right to say whatever you want on the comments section.

Although I've deleted it and hope the next time you respond, you leave a name to it: I see nothing wrong with what I've said.

I promise you that there's more to come.

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