
Friday, May 31, 2013

Conservatives: [Republicans] Drop The Kumbaya Act!

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The crazy old lady warns Republicans to drop the act of trying to win Blacks and Hispanics.

You could be a member of the Republican Party if your only goal in life is to keep Blacks and Hispanics away from the polls. You would throw your crap on the wall claiming that Blacks support President Barack Obama because of race, and the Hispanics are illegal immigrants. You concluded that Blacks and Hispanics want to make babies so they could get "gubmint" entitlements.

In other words, Republicans and their conservative allies believe that the White race is declining because of these "parasites" taking out of the taxpayer's pockets and that Nigger Obama is allowing this.

The Republicans don't want Black and Hispanic women to have abortions.

The Republicans don't want Black and Hispanic families to get food stamps and welfare.

The Republicans don't like it that Blacks and Hispanics vote on race. Yet, perennial loser Mitt Romney had a strong turnout of White voters.

The Republicans want to pass legislation that require voters to have a state issued identification to prevent voter fraud in a minority precinct.

The Republicans don't want Blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims to own firearms. Some Republicans believe that violence in America is caused by the entertainment industry (i.e. rap music, video games and movies).

Republicans want to attack President Barack Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Attorney General Eric Holder, and UN Secretary Susan Rice. They attack the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. by claiming that he supported the policies of the modern day Republican Party.

The Republicans advocate racism through their associates. These individuals King Hippo, Crazy JonesThat Guy Who Helped Obama Win, The Guy Who Throws Shit On The Wall, The Palin Da Ass, The Turd Flipper, Bill-O, and Chalk E Becker are part the junk food media. These paid agitators openly advocate violence and hatred of the Black and Hispanic communities.

Our friends over at Addicting Info found a nice little article about that crazy old lady who founded the Eagle Forum. She issued a warning to Republicans. The crazy old lady wants Republicans to drop any attempts to pass immigration reform.

Her words: The Hispanics who come in like this are going to vote Democrat. There isn't the slightest bit of evidence that they are going to vote Republican. The people the Republicans should reach out to are the white votes — the white voters who didn't vote in the last election. There are millions of them. I think when you have an establishment-run nomination system, they give us a series of losers, which they've given us with Dole, McCain, and Romney and they give us people who don’t connect with the grassroots.

So if you're looking at this comment, you notice that the crazy old lady is blaming the three former Republican nominees for being too easy on winning the rainbow instead of the White vote.

If she really want to have a honest discussion to why these three candidates lost.

Richard Nixon was the Vice President. He lost the U.S. Presidential Election the first time. He went on to win the presidency in two election victories. He ended up resigning at the peak of a scandal.

George H.W. Bush lost to Ronald Reagan in the Republican nomination. He would later become the Vice President of the United States. Bush would later lose to Bill Clinton.

Perennial loser Bob Dole lost as a vice presidential candidate. He lost to George H.W. Bush in the Republican nomination. Dole would eventually lose to incumbent president Bill Clinton.

Perennial loser John McCain lost the Republican nomination to George W. Bush. He lost to Barack Obama in a landslide election.

Perennial loser Mitt Romney lost to John McCain in the Republican nomination. He lost to incumbent president Barack Obama.

So in other words, this crazy old lady wants to ignore the fastest minority group in the nation. Forget Hispanics, Republicans only need white voters.

This is your Republican Party people. This stuff is why they're losing the elections. It's fossils like this crazy old woman who keep the Republican Party the condescending, the sexist, the homphobic, the Islamophobic, the racist, and down right stupid people most American liberals paint them out to be.

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