
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Ben Carson: Touré Needs "Tokens" To Ride The Bus!

He speaks so softly, but its a big voice in the conservative movement. Dr. Benjamin Carson became a hero to the conservative movement after he criticized President Barack Obama. He attracted the praise of conservatives and the ire of liberals and Black leaders.

Of course, that's not what he said, but the conservative activist responded to criticism from Black commentators labeling him a "Token", an "Oreo" or even an "Uncle Tom".

Fox News has its new candidate for grooming.

The neurosurgeon who rose to fame insulting President Barack Obama at the National Prayer's Breakfast last month is the rising face of the conservatism.  Dr. Benjamin Carson is retiring from the hospital room soon and the conservative media is hoping he'll take his "gifted hands" into the public office.

There's talk that the conservative supporters want this African American as their candidate for president.

Of course, it's not merit without criticism. Touré, a liberal agitator on MSNBC comes out swinging against the proclamation of Carson being a viable candidate.

Touré said that the Republican Party continues to line up people such as Carson to prove they have "Black friends" and concluded that the purpose is to shield itself from the rampant bigotry and racism within the party.

Mediaite take advantage of the ongoing obsession with Carson. They (along with Media Matters for America) track the numerous times Dr. Benjamin Carson been on Fox News.

He's been on Fox News programs frequently. He's been on Sean Hannity, Neil Cavuto, Fox & Friends and now Megyn Kelly's program. It's almost like they're propping a "nobody" to run for president.

Carson responds to Touré.

Kelly reads off comments by viewers calling him an "Oreo", "token" and the "GOP's version of affirmative action!"

Carson said that "if you don’t have anything useful to say, you attack people. If you feel that your house of cards has been discovered and is starting to come unraveled, you become very desperate. [You know that] intelligent people tend to talk about the facts. They don’t sit around and call each other names. That’s what you can find on a third grade playground. They feel if you look a certain way, then you have to stay on the [Democrat] plantation. Obviously they don’t know what an ‘Uncle Tom’ is! 

Black Republicans and conservatives are no different than their White counterparts. They protect ignorance, bigotry, the constant hatred of others and pride themselves on phony patriotism.

Again, Blacks and Hispanics/Latinos detest the Republican Party.

Blacks do not take kindly to a White conservative running his mouth saying that Republicans "freed" the slaves. The Republicans say that Black voters "owe them" for their freedom.
Conservatives are fuming at Touré for his comments about Dr. Benjamin Carson and Black Republicans.
The Republicans continue to say that Blacks are "racist" for overwhelmingly supporting Barack Obama, the Democratic nominee for president, twice.

The Republicans continue to defend the Confederacy, a group of breakaway states that betrayed the United States in favor of slavery. The Confederacy only lasted less than four years, but it's legacy is forever among the White nationalists and racial harbor bigots within the Republican Party. That's probably why constant mentions of succession were thrown around after the U.S. presidential election. And of course, Republicans blame the past version of the Democratic Party to blame the current version for the creation of the far-right hate group the Ku Klux Klan.

The Republicans would rather see their White male supporters own guns, luxuries such as homes, vehicles, better paying jobs and keep their domestic safety nets.

Once they see a rise in minorities being on safety nets, they're rushing to write legislation to deny them their rights to have safety nets. They would say condescending things about Blacks being trapped in urban violence, welfare and it's the faults of Democrats and Black leaders.

Yet, these guys want to live in their gate communities with guns drawn and phones on speed dial to call the police on you.

They want control over us, but never control over them.

That's why the Republican Party is detested by Blacks and Hispanics. The party is catered to WHITE MALES and the well off. If it was so easy to say this, I wouldn't be writing about it!

I don't know if I should add him to the list of many names who will be frequently mentioned. But it's getting closer though!

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  1. Anonymous12:37 PM

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