
Saturday, March 16, 2013

Rand Paul: King Of The Nuts!

My cult supporters, I need you! Drink the blood of Satan and join me! - Rand Paul.

Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) won the CPAC presidential straw poll. Paul beats out Congressman Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin), Senator Marco Rubio (R-Florida), Once again proving to the Republicans, that they're seriously screwed if they continue to line up losers for the nomination.

I got more than a thumbs up, governor! - Ted Cruz
The son of perennial candidate for president, Ron Paul, the senator was a featured headliner at the Nut Farm we call the Conservative Political Action Conference.

Ron Paul, the former Republican congressman from Texas is the cult leader of flock of delusional college Republicans and Libertarians who believe in the "limited gubmint" and "liberty" crap that comes from him and the senator.

They're the ones who flock the internet trolling for all things Paul.

They seriously believe the government is out to get them. They get their "sources" from millionaire agitators such as Glenn Beck, Michael Savage and Alex Jones.
Anybody got a book I could sign? I mean my name is still popular around here! - Sarah Palin
Information about FEMA Death Camps, 9/11 Inside Job rhetoric, drones killing people on American soil, and President Barack Obama being either "not an American" or a "Muslim" comes directly from the cult of Ron Paul.

Besides most Republicans who parade themselves as "culture warriors" and "freedom loving patriots", the Ron Paul cult believes in "REVOLUTION".

They believe Ron Paul was shafted by the mainstream media because he was speaking the "truth" about our government and the world didn't want to hear it.

CPAC wraps up with the fiery speech from former Alaskan governor Sarah Palin. The world's most dumbest politician rose from her political grave. The conservative agitator was fired from Fox News after a rocky term with Roger Ailes and his staff.

Palin knocks teleprompters, Big Gulps, and every other word salad that she vomited at CPAC.
My friends, I'm not Herman Cain! Please stop calling me that! - Benjamin Carson.
Wisconsin governor Scott Walker brags about beating the unions and activists. He managed to survive a recall election and a FBI probe into corruption. So what does he do? A victory lap!

Oh, there's Dr. Who?

I meant to say Dr. Benjamin Carson, the guy who was at the National Prayer's Breakfast. He managed to upstage President Barack Obama with his speech. That lit the internet up and now you hear these idiots demanding he throw his hat into the political arena.
Don't give me that stare! I'm a Black woman who support ya! - Mia Love
Mia Love, the mayor of Saratoga Springs, Utah made an appearance as well. Fresh from a defeat in the general election, the ever spirited Black conservative wants to "wake up" them Black folk in

I can see this guy as the reincarnation of Herman Cain. If you remember Herman Cain, you know that character managed to sink his political career chasing tail. I wouldn't be surprised that Carson was chasing a few of them doctors and nurses!

Hey, I survived a recall election! Why couldn't you guys help turn Wisconsin red? - Scott Walker
CPAC is chalk full of nuts. From the fat white guy who wanted Blacks to thank their slave master for the food and shelter, to the cult leader emeritus winning the pathetic straw poll.

You know if a Paul wins a straw poll, it actually means that Senator Marco Rubio won this!

You can pack the room full of supporters and pay a lump of dollars to generate a strong straw poll.

You know the only Republicans who are winners are Senator Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and Republican governors Mike Pence (Indiana), John Kasich (Ohio), Chris Christie (New Jersey) and Bob McDonnell (Virginia) and Rick Scott (Florida).

They didn't waste taxpayer's money to travel to an event catered to a bunch of ignorant bigots.

For every politician who went out of their way to attack the president for taking vacations and outings, they seem to be partying up with the elite and wealthy!

This ends and now we move to the fights ahead. Trusted we know Republicans are willing to fight tooth and nail to defeat an aggressive president!  They're losing grip on reality and soon the public will be aware of it.

If this is a sign of who's going to be the Republican nominee. Uh, it's looking like the Democrats will win in 2016 and I place my odds on that Julian Castro being the next president.
Hey, if you would had elected me, we wouldn't have all the "blah" people on welfare! - Rick Santorum

Are there any English speaking folks here? - Steve King
You guys are so grateful to me and Mitt? When will you actually apologize for not voting for us! - Paul Ryan

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