
Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Political Hitman Who Sank Perennial Loser Romney's Presidential Bid Speaks Out!

Confessions of a political hitman!

I bet that perennial loser Mitt Romney would like to ring this guy's neck right now!

Meet the man who took down the Republican nominee for president. The man who doomed the Republican Party's chances at picking up the U.S. Senate.

We haven't heard much from the person who filmed the infamous 47% video until now!

On MSNBC, Ed Schultz, interviews Scott Prouty, the political hitman responsible for filming the video of perennial loser Mitt Romney speaking at a private donor dinner in which he trashed those who would voted for him.
Ed Schultz, one of the nation's most listened to talk radio host. He is a liberal agitator who has nightly show on MSNBC. The controversial commentator interviews political hitman Scott Prouty, the man who sank that perennial loser Mitt Romney.
In May 2012, that perennial loser was wrapping up the bitter primary fight against washed up politicians Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul and Rick Santorum. After he clinched the Republican nomination, the perennial loser wanted to stack his war chest against President Barack Obama. Prouty was working at the establishment that catered the big time Republican donors. He placed his camera near the tables and let it roll.

As that perennial loser was talking and joking a few off-color remarks, the real goodies came into spotlight.
There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That's an entitlement. The government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. And I mean the president starts off with 48, 49...he starts off with a huge number. These are people who pay no income tax. Forty-seven percent of Americans pay no income tax. So our message of low taxes doesn't connect. So he'll be out there talking about tax cuts for the rich. ... My job is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives. What I have to do is convince the 5–10% in the center that are independents, that are thoughtful, that look at voting one way or the other depending upon in some cases emotion, whether they like the guy or not.
Prouty published it on YouTube during the summer. It didn't catch fire. He tried to contact liberal agitators in the media. None would respond. He tried to contact field representatives of the perennial loser's campaign team. They've ignored it.

He looks into James Carter IV on YouTube. Carter is the grandson of former president Jimmy Carter.

Carter is a political hitman. Prouty got in touch with Carter and they struck up a conversation. Seeing that no one would take the video. They contact David Corn, the editor of Mother Jones, a liberal leaning magazine/ blog agitator.

Mother Jones saw interest in it. They wanted to help put this out there. So they contacted Buzzfeed, a website that tracks viral videos and events, and they're you have it.

Right after the nomination, Prouty's video got the Mother Jones endorsement and the Buzzfeed take off!
The moment he knew he was.....Well you know!
And look you got to see one silly ass candidate with a deer-in-the-headlight moment. This was released the second week in September on Monday. It assured that conservative and liberal agitators would debate this issue all the way to the election.

Now onto the issue at hand. Prouty decides to put his name out there for the conservative agitators and extremists. Assured he will get criticized abet death threats from those bitter ass Romney supporters.

He will be talked through Ed Schultz radio and television program. This issue will also carry through Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews, Al Sharpton, Lawrence O'Donnell, and the rest of those commentators on MSNBC.

Liberal radio agitators, Bill Press, Stephanie Miller, Alan Colmes, Leslie Marshall and Joe Madison will be asking for Prouty to speak on their radio shows shortly.

Fox News will have their firing squad of conservative agitators scream at Ed Schultz or President Barack Obama for the very fact this guy is on television.

The conservative blog agitators such as Michelle Malkin, Breitbart News, The Drudge Report, and World Net Daily will do investigative reports on Prouty or demand boycotts of organizations he attends.

Conservative talk agitators Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck and Mark Levin will attack Prouty's reputation.

He revealed himself on MSNBC’s “The Ed Show” Wednesday night as the bartender who shot a damaging video of Mitt Romney dismissing President Obama’s supporters during a closed-press fundraiser last year.

“I was behind this whole thing,” Prouty said.

The bartender said he brought a camera to the Boca Raton, Fla. fundraiser in case Romney came back to take pictures with the staff, as former president Bill Clinton had done at another event Prouty worked. ”I didn’t go there with a grudge against Romney,” he said. “I really had no idea he would say what he said.”

Prouty grew up in a blue-collar neighborhood in Boston, he said. He said he felt that people who couldn’t afford to attend a high-priced fundraiser should get a chance “to find out what the candidate actually thinks.”

He said he struggled for two weeks with whether or not to release the video and risk his own career. He did not have health insurance. After wrestling with the decision, he decided it would be cowardly not to release the video: “I went down the path and never looked back.”

As the Washington Post reports, Romney’s comments on the “47 percent” who he described as dependent on government handouts were a major blow to his campaign, as the former Massachusetts governor himself acknowledged in a recent interview.

Prouty says he did not reveal himself before the election because he did not want to draw attention away from the video itself: “I wanted Mitt Romney’s words, and Mitt Romney’s words only” to be the focus.

Now, he says, he expects “to be torn apart by the right-wing media.”

Prouty says he is a registered independent but tends to vote Democratic. He had no contact with the Obama campaign. Watching the second presidential debate, in which Obama invoked the “47 percent” video in his final statement, Prouty cheered.

“I was thrilled that he hit him with it when he did,” he said.

Ed Schultz announced that his weekday show will move to the weekends and it will be a two hour show.

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