
Friday, March 01, 2013

It's A Coming.....

President Barack Obama speaks to the press about the sequester. He's visibly angry about the Republicans refusal to support tax increases alongside spending cuts.

President Barack Obama, the Democrats and Republican lawmakers are pointing fingers at one another.

The sequester is going to take effect putting our nation's military, our government workers and our country's needy at risk of losing benefits and their jobs.

President Barack Obama and the Democrats want Republicans to give up the fight on protecting tax breaks for the wealthy. The Republicans want the president and Democrats to give up on entitlements and scaring the public with catastrophic themes.

House Speaker John Boehner and the Republican House members still are infighting over how to address the sequester. Some members are willing to tax the rich, but fear a primary challenge from a more conservative candidate. Boehner fears he may lose his speakership if he gives the president what he wants.

The public is on the president's side and the conservative media are trying there best to make it seem like the president wanted the military to be "weaken" and the growth of the government.

Now they can't understand the fact that our government hasn't grown since President Barack Obama been in office. They'll say anything that will stick to the wall. And of course, the president's political foes are tone deaf to anything he says.

Bob Woodward, the famed Washington Post journalist who rose to fame with Carl Bernstein to expose Republican president Richard Nixon's dirty deeds during his presidency. In the midst of his second term, Watergate happened and it force Nixon to resign and Gerald Ford to become the president. Ford's presidency was marred with controversy. His biggest failure was pardoning Nixon.

Woodward isn't a fan of the president. He went through the media cycle exaggerating an interview with a top Obama official. The official got heated over misinformation made by Woodward on the president.

Woodward went to CNN to tell the country that the Obama Administration threatened him.

The conservative media went totally bonkers on it. Sean Hannity was so eager to have him on to explain his side of the controversy.

Most Washington insiders figured that Woodward is trying to stay relevant by creating a scandal where there's none. And most people read the email exchange between the official and Woodward. They saw no controversy.

But since it's went viral, conservatives regardless will assume the president is hostile to the media. A media they've once claimed was in the tank for him.

It's funny that President Barack Obama won easily against that perennial loser Mitt Romney. Despite the sluggish economic conditions, the American people felt that the president's policies are working. The stock market reached 14,000 and the people are feeling good about the future.

Today, some of the steam was let out of the good times. Due to the ineptness of Congress, the government workers and people who contribute to the nation are going to suffer for a bunch of hyper partisan idiots.

My mission from this point is to be the activist. We need to get the Republicans out of the House of Representatives. They're not working for the American people. They're working for the corporations, religious fanatics and reactionary bigots.

Conservatism is on the decline. A new age is dawning. Progressive movement is rising and the conservatives aren't getting their country back!

The Democrats and Republicans who stand against progress better get their asses together or else face the gauntlet of the voter.

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