
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Gay Marriage Got The Republicans Split!

Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) is against gay marriage. But his wife Cindy and daughter Meghan are in favor of it.

Guns don't split the Republican Party. It's those wicked homosexuals who kiss in front of their children.

Republicans hope the majority conservative wing of the Supreme Court would rule that gay marriage is illegal. Court insiders are watching for the swings from Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Anthony Kennedy. After last year's debate over the legality of Obamacare, many Americans are biting nails on a landmark decision. Legalization of gay marriage concludes the fight for civil and equal rights.

Gay marriage moves the country forward.

The Supreme Court is about to hear the case of Prop 8, a discriminatory law that banned the same sex couples of California from being legally married.

California has a huge LGBT population and many there want the right to marry like straight couples.

A majority of states banned gay marriage. California voters endorsed the ban on gay marriage in 2008. The case was heard in federal court and both sides equally won. Now the last appeal goes to the Supreme Court.

Already over nine states legalized the right to marry for gay couples. Gay marriage is becoming popular in the United States. By a slight margin, gay marriage is approved by the general public. Those who are 18 to 39 favor gay marriage by an overwhelming margin.

The Republican Party is still rigid on gay marriage. They believe that if the country allows gay marriage, then it open the door for people marrying animals and non-human objects.

There are some Republicans who are breaking the ice on gay marriage. This month, the first elected Republican politician came out in support of gay marriage. Senator Rob Portman (R-Ohio) acknowledged that his son is gay.

Having a family member come out changed Portman's mind and also rattled the Republicans.

Now many other Republicans and conservative activists are showing support for gay marriage.

Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) is against gay marriage. His daughter Meghan McCain and his wife Cindy McCain support gay marriage. Meghan McCain is a liberal Republican who is a fixture on MSNBC. She writes for The Daily Beast and her own professional blog. Former campaign adviser Nicole Wallace, and former Bush lawyer Ted Olsen are notable Republicans who came in support of gay marriage.

But so far, the needle hasn't moved with the general party. Republicans, Westboro Baptist Church, Pat Robertson, the Family Research Council, Focus on the Family and National Organization for Marriage are determined to fight against the legalization of gay marriage.

This month's CPAC banned gay Republicans from attending festivities. It irked MSNBC's conservative agitator S.E. Cupp. She turned down an invitation to attend the event.

Republicans are searching for the big tent. The Republican Party is 90% WHITE and 10% other.

It's the party that's similar to cocaine. Cocaine is mostly white.

The Republican Party has trouble courting young voters. It has trouble courting Black, Hispanic and Asian voters. The party already lost the Black and Islamic vote.

Listening to conservative agitators call themselves the "Pro-Family, Pro-Marriage and Pro-Life" party is funny!

They support death of criminals, banning gays from marrying, and want children to become obese.

If they dropped the act and say they're bigots, maybe the world would agree with them.

The Republican Party as of right now is considered the enemy of progress. They're seen as the party of stuffy old men. They can't get over the fact that our country is moving forward. They're still living in a long and forgotten era.

It's time to put away the Ronald Reagan nostalgia. It's time to move past the hate and the division. President Barack Obama is the future of progress. Republicans are so far behind and it may be their undoing.

Give the LGBT community the right to marry. They're not hurting anyone!

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