
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A Rainbow That's All White!

Reince Priebus hoping to save what's left of a fractured GOP.

Reince Priebus is depressed. I mean he managed to help the Republicans retain the House of Representatives and many governorships. But he failed at retaining the U.S. Senate and the presidency.

Where Michael Steele managed to swept the Republicans back into the House of Representatives and bring forth Republicans to the state house and governorships. Republicans managed to obtain the power to redraw the congressional lines in which it gave them a stronger advantage.

But today, the Republican chairman is looking through the woods and hoping he'll find the rainbow of gold.

The Republican diversity tour is an utter disaster. The Black and Hispanic community detest the Republican Party. This year alone, Republicans have isolated themselves to be a party of "OLD WHITE IGNORANT MEN!"
Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter. Two conservative agitators who said some pretty ignorant things about President Barack Obama and his allies in the progressive movement.
Perhaps we should call the Republicans, the party of cocaine! I mean they're on some powerful stuff. They're acting like junkies. Snorting the crap that dope peddlers in the conservative media selling them!

Cocaine is 90% WHITE and 10% OTHER. Just like the Republican Party.

This rebranding effort isn't going to save the Republicans. The party is too extreme. They fear the onslaught of retaliation by Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, Sarah Palin and the National Rifle Association.

They've engaged in this ongoing culture war against everyone including themselves. The Republicans don't know who to trust right now!

All they got left is pretty much the blame going to Barack Obama and the media for their continuous failures.

I got so many suggestions for the Republican Party, but I just couldn't contain myself from delivering my honest opinion about the rebranding of the national party. Here are some healthy and yet obvious suggestion to the ailing party.

1) Drop Fox News as a source of information.

2) Quit allowing conservative agitators (i.e. Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Michael Savage, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity and others) rally a base of ignorance and idiocy. Their rhetoric helped Barack Obama win reelection.

3) Quit reading stuff from The Drudge Report, WorldNetDaily, InfoWars, Michelle Malkin, Hot Air, Free Republic, The Fox Nation, The Blaze, Newsbusters, The Daily Caller, and Breitbart. Half of the crap that comes from the conservative media is half-truths and misinformation.

4) Quit saying Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Republican.

5) Quit making comments about Black/Hispanics and other people of color being on welfare.

6) Quit screaming about the government being too big!

7) Drop the Ronald Reagan quotes, nostalgia and comparisons of past and present presidents. We're in the 21st Century. Reagan, Nixon, Ford were of the past century. Lincoln was two centuries ago. You got be in the present time.

8) Quit acting like your the party that favors "liberty", "freedom", and "patriotism". The Democrats are just like you in the "patriotic slogans". They believe in a society just like Republicans.

9) Compromise with the president and the Democratic Party on issues that matter.

10) Quit stalling the president's nominees. Never in American history has one president had such gridlock. The minority party has filibustered over a 100 of President Barack Obama's nominees. The recent filibuster by Rand Paul was the tipping point. All this ranting by Paul was over conspiracy theories. That's enough to have filibuster reform passed.

11) Don't undermine the moderate Republicans. They are the key to pulling in independents. If you knock Chris Christie, Rob Portman, Jon Huntsman, Susan Collins, Paul Kirk, and Dan Coates, they'll leave the party. They're the moderate Republicans who can help pass legislation that favors Republicans. They can negotiate with Democrats. Avoid purging the moderates.
The Republicans are searching for more than the white color in the rainbow.
12) Quit calling the president a "MUSLIM", "SOCIALIST", "COMMUNIST","MULATTO", "KENYAN", "NIGGER" and any other word vomit.

13) Quit blaming the media for the outrageous comments by those in the Republican Party.

14) Quit calling people who voted for President Barack Obama "misinformed", "low information voters" and "zombies".

15) Quit supporting losers like Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Paul Ryan, Ron Paul, Benjamin Carson, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney, John McCain and whoever else you pull out the toilet. Pick candidates who can appeal to independents and Democrats. Don't waste your time on a presidential candidate who wants to stand in the limelight. That's probably why these fools were likely losers straight out the gate.

16) Give the LGBT community their right to marriage. Gay marriage isn't hurting anyone. They want to live their lives in union. Republicans drop the act of DOMA. Let the LGBT community have the right to marry.

17) Stop running on that silly narrative the president is doing a perceived harm upon this country. You can visit the White House website to find out policies, speeches and proposals. The president's agenda is public record as is his original birth certificate.

18) Stop pandering to religious extremists, white supremacists, racists, survivalists, and conspiracy kooks.

Sarah Palin makes Republicans look like idiots!
19) Get over the fact you've lost the election. There's nothing worse than being a sore loser! We understand the plight of being a loser. Democrats had Al Gore and John Kerry. They sucked. It's not Barack Obama's fault you lined up two perennial candidates who failed at winning the Republican nomination and presidency.

20) Stop being the party that's prehistoric. What the hell are you lining up? You lined up candidates who say it's "god's will to be raped!" You have candidates who refuse to acknowledge growth in the economy. You have candidates who think about guns more than the lives of innocent children. You have candidates who believe global warming is just voodoo science.

21) Quit telling Blacks that the Republicans freed the slaves. The Black voters of the present generation aren't going to take kindly to a fat White guy telling them: "You owe us for freeing you!"

22) Talk to young voters. Understand their needs. Don't call young voters, parasites, sugar babies and dependents on the government because they want student loans. Most young voters don't have trust funds and rich parents to help them get into a fancy university or college.

23) Quit acting like parents. You're not parents. You're a political party that favors center-right policies that advocate on limited government, strong defense, low taxes and free enterprise. Put this stuff in common sense and not that jargon that sounds like a professor, or a condescending bigot (i.e. Rush Limbaugh).

24) Admit that Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush were responsible for most of the mess we're in! They've raised the debt ceiling higher than any president before Barack Obama took office. They are the reason why our debt is so high and they didn't care about deficits and budgets. The Republicans followed them like a boy and his dog.
Sarah Palin and Karl Rove are feuding with one another over the direction of the Republican Party.
25) Stop using tokens as your saviors. Sure you may have Michael Steele, Tim Scott, Allen West, Mia Love, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Raul Labrador, Bobby Jindal, Nikki Haley and even Benjamin Carson in the Republican Party, but they don't speak to a general base of voters. They're tokens. They're used only when its a shield to protect racists and extremists within the Republican Party. You will need smart, intelligent and resourceful women and people of color to run the Republican Party. The Democratic Party has bragging rights to having the first Black president. The Democrats had the first woman to be the Speaker of the House. They managed to win a majority of women and young voters. The Hispanic vote is nearly secured by the Democrats. When will the Republicans take their heads out of their asses and get some of the action?

Rush Limbaugh wasn't real helpful to the Republicans this last election.
Here's what I'll do if the Republicans want my vote!

The Republicans must stop this culture war against everyone! If they do so, I'll stop calling them racist.

I'll stop calling them bigots if they refuse to allow anyone within their party to hate a person's race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, educational, political and economic standings.

I'll stop blaming them for all the mass shootings in a suburban school or shopping center.

I'll stop blaming them if they can separate themselves from all the White supremacist rhetoric we've seen through channels such as The Drudge Report.

I'll vote for a Republican for president if the person can deliver a plan to help everyone. Not a select few.

I'll vote for a Republican if they stop acting like a bunch of idiots!

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