
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Obama: [GOP] Really Need To Drop Rush Limbaugh And Fox News!

President Barack Obama aims at Fox News and Rush Limbaugh.

President Barack Obama plans an aggressive agenda. The president is aiming at two old foes that seem to keep his name in the negative light. In a interview with The New Republic, the president lets the publication know that he's no fan of these two and warns the Republicans to drop them fast!

Fox News and conservative agitator Rush Limbaugh finally pissed off President Barack Obama. The first four years were devoted to trashing him and his administration. The conservative leaning network plays favorites to Republicans and not so nice to Democrats.

President Barack Obama feels now rejuvenated and willing to taking on adversaries in the media. The conservative media was disasterous for the Republicans, the National Rifle Association, FreedomWorks, CrossroadsGPS and other organizations that swore a swift defeat of an embattled president. President Barack Obama outmatched the Republicans and now has them painted as extremists.
Rush Limbaugh is going to respond to the president's criticism after The New Republic interview.
They're going through some deep soul-searching.

Chris Hughes, the co-founder of Facebook and an outspoken advocate for LGBT rights, owns The New Republic. He was a coordinator for the president's reelection campaign.

Hughes owns the liberal news magazine and revamped its image. The president's interview signals a rebirth of the once struggling organization. This article will go viral soon. It will also merit swift responses from Rush Limbaugh, Fox News and their supporters.

Believe me, it's like the 2009 issue all over again!

The president ate with Republicans and stated to some congressional members that "You can't just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done!"

Before the president took his first oath of office, Rush Limbaugh offered some not so nice compliments to him! He stated that he "hopes Obama fails". That became the rally cry among the Republicans and their conservative allies.

The New Republic has released the article. Some of the most important pieces of the article include his criticism of Fox News and Limbaugh. The part that got the most attention:
I think if you talk privately to Democrats and Republicans, particularly those who have been around for a while, they long for the days when they could socialize and introduce bipartisan legislation and feel productive. So I don't think the issue is whether or not there are people of goodwill in either party that want to get something done. I think what we really have to do is change some of the incentive structures so that people feel liberated to pursue some common ground.
One of the biggest factors is going to be how the media shapes debates. If a Republican member of Congress is not punished on Fox News or by Rush Limbaugh for working with a Democrat on a bill of common interest, then you'll see more of them doing it.
I think [House Speaker] John Boehner (R-Ohio) genuinely wanted to get a deal done, but it was hard to do in part because his caucus is more conservative probably than most Republican leaders are, and partly because he is vulnerable to attack for compromising Republican principles and working with Obama.
[L]et me be clear. There's not a — there's no equivalence there. In fact, that's one of the biggest problems we've got in how folks report about Washington right now, because I think journalists rightly value the appearance of impartiality and objectivity. And so the default position for reporting is to say, "A plague on both their houses." On almost every issue, it's, "Well, Democrats and Republicans can't agree"—as opposed to looking at why is it that they can't agree. Who exactly is preventing us from agreeing?
The president also sets the record straight on issues that most conservatives seem to ignore! In the interview, the president urges the public to demand their elected leaders to pass comprehensive immigration reform and a ban on assault weapons. The president knocks the NRA for their ad on him and his children. He also shared to The New Republic that he's a shooter too!
[When I am at Camp David] oftentimes [I've invited] guests of mine to go up there. And I have a profound respect for the traditions of hunting that trace back in this country for generations. And I think those who dismiss that out of hand make a big mistake.
Part of being able to move this forward is understanding the reality of guns in urban areas are very different from the realities of guns in rural areas. And if you grew up and your dad gave you a hunting rifle when you were ten, and you went out and spent the day with him and your uncles, and that became part of your family's traditions, you can see why you'd be pretty protective of that. 
So it's trying to bridge those gaps that I think is going to be part of the biggest task over the next several months. And that means that advocates of gun control have to do a little more listening than they do sometimes.
The very mention of Rush Limbaugh will have him in a giddy. The fact that he's mention gives him a badge of honor. Because the president mentions him, the conservative agitator will brag that he's getting under the president's skin.
The president's far left agenda spells trouble for Americans! - Bill O'Reilly.
The president clearly wants to fight against Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Fox News, The Drudge Report and the NRA! He's grown tired of the divisive bullcrap spewed by the likes of these people.

I am all for taking them down hard!

Let's root for President Barack Obama to take these extremist on!

The fight didn't end on election day! It ends when you see Rush Limbaugh, Fox News and their conservative allies tone down or get shut down!

NOTE: These individuals are entitled to their opinions and the like. But due to the recent violent incidents that happen during the first term, I seriously think that there will more mass shootings inspired by the angry rhetoric of talk radio, Fox News, the conservative blogs and White supremacists websites. And yes, some crazy WHITE EXTREMIST will carry out an act of terror in the name of politics or religion.

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