
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Don't Like A Gov't Policy: SCREAM HITLER!

Sean Hannity, the guy responsible for President Barack Obama winning reelection.

The agitators of the media are fighting the 20th Century yet again! Still stuck on memories of 80 years ago and not the present day! Wishing they could return to the days when all the presidents were of one color!

Once again the media is showing the world that it only takes a few rants to rake in the profits!

It's not news or informative talk! It's pure name calling and vindictive actions among a bunch of bitter losers.

The gun control debate is very contentious!

Those in the media are taking an advancement of payment for who could outcrazy one another.

Talking Points Memo, a liberal investigative blog put together a collection of Fox News personalities and the controversial agitator Sean Hannity running on the HITLER meme.

President Barack Obama issue executive orders to curbing gun violence post Sandy Hook. These orders have the National Rifle Association and Republicans in a frenzy. They're calling the president's actions treasonous, impeachable and downright tyrannical. Some of these people on these networks compare the president to Hitler, Mao, Stalin, and Hussein.

Say if I could say something three thousand times and generate a talk point, would have my own talk show on a cable news channel?

I've mention Sean Hannity and Matt Drudge frequently on this blog. These two are the most annoying members of the conservative media. They've played every card from the bottom of the deck.

I want them to continue to hurt the Republican Party. Because of these two men, the president won reelection and set the course for an aggressive agenda. President Barack Obama had enough of the Republican obstruction and he's willing to box them in with issues they've agreed on in the past.

Sean Hannity's ratings are falling. He's still a reigning in at 1.2 million viewers a night but the competitor from the rival network MSNBC is catching up. Rachel Maddow, the liberal agitator of the network is bring more informative talk and the partisan rancor.

I've stated this last year, that Rachel Maddow will surpass Sean Hannity in ratings by the late of 2013.

It's going to happen soon.

Sean Hannity's right wing carnival of agitation celebrates four years on the air now. Long past the days of him and liberal agitator Alan Colmes, the Hannity show allows Dick Morris, Michelle Malkin, Jesse Lee Peterson, Brent Bozell, Ann Coulter, Karl Rove, and numerous other right wing agitators go H.A.M. on the president and his allies in the progressive movement.

It's working in the network's favor. With a second term of President Barack Obama, Fox News is working harder to stay relevant. They're waiting for a controversy that could lead to impeachment. Fox News is considered conservative. Fox News will continue to create controversies when there's no need for them. They will give Republicans and conservative agitators a voice on their network. After all, some of these conservative agitators are banned from the mainstream news outlets for controversial statements.

The cable news racket is looking for success in the second term.

MSNBC is considered liberal by most viewers watching. The network will continue to find agitators who favor the president and hate the Republicans.

CNN is caught in the middle but most look upon it a liberal. Anderson Cooper, Piers Morgan, Don Lemon, Soledad O'Brien and other commentators make the case for rancor from both the left and the right.

Talking Points Memo reports that if you have been watching Fox News in recent weeks, you will have heard a lot of discussion about Hitler. Guests have been lining up to equate the gun legislation proposed by President Obama with Hitler, Nazis and 1930s Germany in general.

Since the Sandy Hook shooting, Fox guests have been among the loudest voices saying that any new restrictions will decimate the Second Amendment and lead to government oppression not seen since Hitler, Mao or Stalin.

If you seriously believe that President Barack Obama is Adolf Hitler, you're out of the mainstream.

Barack Obama was elected twice in two landslide elections. He is the first Black president and one of the world's favored leaders. Hitler's governance was compared by most Western nations as a dictatorship based on the totalitarian and autocratic ideology. He was a dictator who wanted a supremacy of Europe. Hitler's supremacist and racially motivated policies resulted in the deaths of an estimated 50 million people during World War II, including 6 million Jews and 5 million "non-Aryans" whose systematic extermination was ordered by him and his close subordinates. Hitler never took guns. He ordered his military to use them in a global wipeout.

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