
Saturday, January 12, 2013

Tactical Douchery!

Tactical Response CEO James Yeager

Douche gun trainer/business owner threatens people online over gun control!

There you have it! Another reason to hate Republicans and their conservative allies.

Okay, this was getting play on Angry Black Lady Chronicles, The Raw Story and Balloon Juice, and I happen to click on it and seen a bald middle aged man throwing up his feces to the wall hoping it will stick.

The douche, James Yeager clicked on either InfoWars or The Drudge Report for his latest rant about how President Barack Obama is.............Whatever!

It's another WHITE EXTREMIST who felt the need to vent off about the proposals ensuring that another mass shooting is going to happen if laws were enacted. Thank you President Barack Obama for doing whatever you can!

Seriously, we to take a look into the gun culture.

The National Rifle Association, talk radio and the conservative blogs are blazed up with thoughts of Hitler dancing in their bandwidths and credit cards being maxed out for the last semi-automatic firearm from Walmart. They're screaming: "OBAMA COMIN' FOR THE GUNS" over and over until the next irrational extremist carries out a mass shooting in the middle of a town.

While they're open to taking away firearms from Blacks, Hispanics and Muslims, the WHITE EXTREMIST in the conservative media is more concerned about that "BIG EARED JUNGLE BUNNY" coming for their guns. They rooting for the minorities to kill one another, because doesn't meddle in their daily routine. But just when you have a shooting in a suburban school or a place of business, it's always conservatives rushing to say that's it wasn't the gun's fault, it's the person. Okay trying to have their ice cream, pie and cake and then eat it too.

Tactical Response based out of Big Sandy, Tennessee is a facility that trains firearm user the proper way to carry a firearm. Unfortunately, the CEO, Douche Yeager will not have his license for awhile.

His rant went viral and it was turned over the the Tennessee Department of Homeland Security and the lit up the internet over the First and Second Amendment, once again.

The Raw Story obtained portions of the douche's epic rant:

“Vice President [Joe] Biden is asking the president to bypass Congress and use executive privilege, executive order to ban assault rifles and to impose stricter gun control,”

“Fuck that.”

“I’m telling you that if that happens, it’s going to spark a civil war, and I’ll be glad to fire the first shot. I’m not putting up with it. You shouldn't put up with it. And I need all you patriots to start thinking about what you’re going to do, load your damn mags, make sure your rifle’s clean, pack a backpack with some food in it and get ready to fight.”

“I’m not fucking putting up with this. I’m not letting my country be ruled by a dictator. I’m not letting anybody take my guns! If it goes one inch further, I’m going to start killing people.”

Now would you like to have this guy in your home with children?

That rant made it clear that Yeager processed "material likelihood of risk of harm to the public".

“The number one priority for our department is to ensure the public’s safety. Mr. Yeager’s comments were irresponsible, dangerous, and deserved our immediate attention. Due to our concern, as well as that of law enforcement, his handgun permit was suspended immediately.

We have notified Mr. Yeager about the suspension today via e-mail. He will receive an official notification of his suspension through the mail,” Commissioner Bill Gibbons said.

Social media once again plays in the fall of another idiot!

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