
Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Unbelievable: Drudge Compares White House Gun Control Proposals To Hitler!

Drudge does it again! (Thanks to Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs)


Why do these agitators resort to the 20th Century for their pathetic attacks on President Barack Obama?

The Drudge Report, InfoWars and numerous others now compare the president's proposals to gun control, a theme of Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin.

Really, the 113th Congress starts off with a single digit approval rating. The Public Policy Poll states that Congress job approval is at 9%. The Gallup Poll has Congress at 15% job approval.

The Sandy Hook and Aurora tragedies of last year have spark feverish pitch for reasonable gun control.

The president's second term agenda is to act on it. The president has ordered a review on it and has Vice President Joe Biden at the helm. The vice president will meet with members of the Brady Campaign and New York mayor Michael Bloomberg. Later this week, the vice president will meet the members of the National Rifle Association and Institute for Legislative Action.

Matt Drudge is a controversial blogger who founded the Drudge Report. The conservative agitator is best known for pushing forth the sex scandal involving former president Bill Clinton and his intern Monica Lewinsky. The conservative media looks at The Drudge Report for stories that appeal to their radical causes. Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and perennial loser Mitt Romney relied on the website during the 2012 U.S. Presidential Elections.

Andrew Breitbart, the late conservative agitator who died in February 2012 was a protege of the reclusive Drudge. He assisted in carrying stories that had racial themes to them. Breitbart is credited to helping push more mainstream stories on the website. Breitbart carried on with his own websites before his death.

Arianna Huffington, Rob Redding, Tucker Carlson, and Glenn Beck created their own versions news agitating websites.

Arianna Huffington, a socialite and blogger created The Huffington Post, a progressive-leaning blog. Her blog is the largest of the news agitation.

Rob Redding, a Black talk radio host and former writer for the Washington Post created the Redding News Review, a website that covers issues involving the Black community. He promotes himself as an independent voice that refuses to follow suit into the respective political parties.

Tucker Carlson was known agitator in the conservative media. He started off from CNN Crossfire. In 2004, CNN ended the program and left Carlson to explore other areas. In 2007, Carlson hosted his own program on MSNBC for a brief period. The network purged most of its conservative agitators with exception to Joe Scarborough. Carlson soon emerges on Fox News and promotes his own website called The Daily Caller, a counterbalance to the Huffington Post, according to his staff. The website is frequently mentioned by The Drudge Report.

Glenn Beck, the controversial talk show host was let go from his duties on HLN and Fox News. Without a network home, Beck decided to create his own network. It first started with his news agitating website The Blaze. The blog is catered to centralizing a movement of Tea Party principles and libertarianism. The Blaze expanded to television and through satellite provider Dish Network.

Conservatives are unhinged extremists. They have no principles. They harbor themselves in racism, sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia, and extreme nationalism. Their principles will doom this nation.

Drudge is certainly going to attract attention for this splash. It's already being mentioned by conservative talk radio, right now!

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