
Monday, January 14, 2013

Bitter A** Loser John McCain Defends GOP Gridlock!

The infamous photo of Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) being caught with his tongue sticking out! Yes, it's true, in 2008, the senator gave comedians something to talk about! When Barack Obama and John McCain finished their final presidential debate, McCain went to the wrong side and he paused and reacted to it by sticking out his tongue.

Republican Arizona senator and perennial loser for president John Sidney McCain, is the face of an aging political party. He and Mitt Romney both can take pride in being perennial losers.

The once moderate senator has shifted to the right on issues he once supported when he ran for president in 2000 and 2008. He was one of the many members Democrats could look to for solutions.

He wanted to be president so bad. In 2008, McCain and other perennial losers Mitt Romney and Ron Paul ran for president. Many in the general media looked at the candidates as politically weak and ineffective leaders.

McCain was the comeback kid. McCain beat out Rudy Giuliani, Fred Thompson, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney and Ron Paul to carry forth the nomination.

John McCain picked the novice Alaskan governor Sarah Palin to be his running mate. McCain ran one of the worst campaigns in American history. McCain made infamous flip-flops and gaffes on our economy, banking, hurricane relief, campaign finance and immigration reform.

His boring acceptance speech did him no favors. His presidential debate performance were terrible as well.

It help elevated Barack Obama to landslide him into irrelevance. Ever since, McCain has been more irrational and delusional.

On Face The Nation with Bob Schieffer, the host asked McCain why would he oppose fellow Republican Chuck Hagel's nomination for U.S. Defense Secretary. The old man had no answer.

Mediaite reports that Bob Schieffer grilled Republican Senator John McCain Sunday on why the GOP seems “to be against every single person” that President Obama has nominated to his cabinet. Schieffer said he “couldn't remember a time” when the opposing party has had a problem with each of the president’s nominations. “It’s usually been the rule if the president is going to be in charge of the government, we have to give him the people he wants to run it,” he added.

Schiffer stated that Republicans have opposed everyone. “He would seem to be your kind of guy, a veteran, a guy who has been shot at,” Schieffer said.

McCain noted that Hagel was “a friend” but claimed that usually with this process, “the previous presidents” would “call the other side” when considering a nomination and say “what do you think about it.” He added that it didn’t matter if the presidents were Republican or Democrat, it had often been done before. “There’s been none of that with this administration,” he said.

McCain then explained that his “legitimate questions” about Hagel are based on his foreign policy views rather than anything personal against either Hagel or the president. When asked if he would vote against Hagel, McCain answered that he had made no decisions on the issue and said “this is why we have hearings.”

Some friend!

Anyways, McCain, Senator Lindsay Graham (R-South Carolina) and Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-New Hampshire) screamed bloody murder over UN Ambassador Susan Rice. They succeeded in cancelling her nomination for Secretary of State. Also they've signaled fights for State Department nominee, Senator John Kerry (D-Massachusetts), Treasury nominee Jack Lew, and CIA nominee John Brennan.

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