
Friday, January 11, 2013

Conspiracy Linked!

Alex Jones is profiting off the phony outrage. The conspiracy theorist who sparked controversy this week is becoming more mainstream. The Drudge Report is now linking his websites as source for anti-Obama rhetoric.

Since this week's epic battle against British tabloid journalist Piers Morgan, the American media is now wondering "WHO THE HELL IS ALEX JONES"?

It comes as no surprise for years, that the Austin, Texas native has a fixture of the internet for some time.

My late friend, Thomas Harper was a conservative. He was involved in politics and conspiracy theories. He died in 2009, shortly after Barack Obama took the oath of office.

As military veteran, Tom listened to talk radio and was inspired by the rhetoric of Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Neal Boortz, Michael Savage and others. He would click on websites such as WorldNetDaily, Townhall and Alex Jones' PrisonPlanet and InfoWars website. He used to email me the latest information about the New World Order, Project for New American Century, Operation Northwoods, and Bohemian Grove, a private resort outside of San Francisco. Tom used to have an obsession with the 9/11 attacks. He read information from PrisonPlanet that determines that the attacks were conspired by the federal government to force us into war. 

Tom was a huge fan of Alex Jones.

Tom was supporter of perennial loser and cult following politician Ron Paul. The fringe themes promoted by the former Texas congressman about small government, legalizing marijuana, end the Federal Reserve were inspirations for libertarian minded Americans frustrated with the government overreach by then President George W. Bush and later President Barack Obama.

Tom inspired me to follow politics. At one time, I was a supporter of Ron Paul. I was influenced by the libertarian views of limited government, legalizing of sin (drugs, prostitution, and gambling) and Paul's swift demands of ending wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Many Americans were frustrated with President George W. Bush handling of the economy, the wars and of national crisis. It gave easy way for then Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to enter the race. The epic battle for the Democratic nomination pitted liberals against the moderates. Moderates wanted Clinton and liberals wanted Obama. Republicans on the other hand were hoping the field wasn't going to be riding the coattails of Bush.

Drudge promotes Alex Jones conspiracies.
Libertarians were mad that the media refused to cover fringe candidates Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich and their campaigns. These individuals were the choose of stoners, anti-war activists and the mind your own business crowd.

Barack Obama happened to be the goldmine for conservatives. Ever since he took office, conservative books sell reasonably well. Talk radio ratings spiked up. Fox News ratings became very successful during the first years of the president. Conservative groups were gathering new members. The National Rifle Association brags about his new memberships during the president's first years. Everything was on the table.

Alex Jones profited reasonably well with his conspiracy themed anti-government jobs.

Tom followed politics closely especially when it came to the media blackout of Ron Paul. Many activists were upset with Fox News in particular, a friendly ally to the Republican Party shunning Ron Paul, Mike Huckabee and Tom Tancrando. 

Tom believe the media was corrupt and they were hiding an agenda and Alex Jones was the "only source" for the truth.

Alex Jones is American talk radio host, actor and filmmaker. His syndicated news/talk show The Alex Jones Show, based in Austin, Texas, airs via the Genesis Communication Network on over 70 AM, FM, and shortwave radio stations across the United States and on the Internet. 

Mainstream sources have described Jones as a conservative  and as a right-wing conspiracy theorist.

Jones sees himself as a libertarian, and rejects being described as a right-winger. He has also called himself a paleoconservative and an "aggressive constitutionalist". Jones has been the center of many controversies such as the one surrounding his actions and statements about gun control after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, and has accused the US government of being involved in the Oklahoma City bombing and September 11 attacks.

The radio show is a mixture of conspiracy, politics and survival prepping. The term "prepper" is commonly used when you're listening to his program. Jones sells products such as survival kits and prepared dry foods.
Alex Jones issues a photo of himself confronting TSA workers at an airport. 
Guest included: perennial loser Ron Paul, right wing extremist Pat Buchanan, troubled actor Charlie Sheen, liberal agitator Alan Colmes, anti-war libertarian Adam Kokesh, atheist conspiracy writer Noam Chomsky, ex-wrestler/governor and conspiracy theorist Jesse Ventura were on the show.

Alex Jones has been interviewed on talk shows such as Piers Morgan Tonight, The Alan Colmes Show, The Stephanie Miller Show, and The Glenn Beck Program. Each agitator mentioned has distanced themselves from Jones. 

The Drudge Report is notorious for allowing racial themed stories to occupy its page. Most of the Drudge linked articles comes from either Breitbart, Twitchy and InfoWars. 

Matt Drudge maintains his news agitating website 24/7 with stories that target President Barack Obama.

Most of the news stories that are linked through the Drudge Report attracts some of the most extreme members of society.

No matter how the story is found, a Drudge imprint is a buzz worthy story for him. He takes pride in his work.

Drudge openly endorses stories that appeal to White supremacists, radical Christian fundamentalists, and ill-informed conservatives who all have a bone to pick against President Barack Obama. Those ill-informed conservatives are usually the birthers who refuse to believe the president's citizenship or hostile conservatives who believe the President Barack Obama is a Communist.
Shedding crocodile tears.
Some conservatives think the president is an idiot. Of course, these are the people who couldn't finish a complete sentence. Conservatives can thank Drudge when he finds pictures of President Barack Obama and use them in negative light.

Read some of the comment section online. Anything that is linked through the Drudge Report usually has a word salad that involves President Barack Obama. 

There's thousands of conspiracy kooks believing that President Barack Obama is the "trojan horse" to a secretive government.

Drudge links up birther stories to his website. Most of these comes from Alex Jones and his affiliates.

One of the leading voice of the birther movement, Alex Jones is praised by those in the conservative media when he brings to light "questionable" theories of the president's birth certificate. 

Richard Poplawski
In the latest attempt to profit of the birth certificate controversy, he made a movie called the Obama Deception. When it comes to trying to bring anti-gun, anti-government issues into the limelight., Jones is there bringing the bullhorn. The Southern Poverty Law Center, a Civil Rights organization has noted that the ranting of Alex Jones inspires militia groups and white supremacists. 

The Sandy Hook shooting was the tipping point to lax gun laws. The president and Vice President Joe Biden are looking for reasonable solutions for gun control. The NRA and many others were against it and they'll fight this tooth and nail.

Jones rise came from the perennial petitions on the White House website demanding seceding from the United States, arresting NBC News anchor David Gregory and deporting Piers Morgan. 

Jones continues to agitate the extremism by allowing himself to get worked up over things he knows aren't true or he can't control.

A Black entertainer, rapper, actor, sport figure, politician, criminal or immigrant was the fixture of InfoWars and The Drudge Report. Stories about race-riots and the president looking out for his "brothas" were features extremists took very seriously.

He refuses to take responsibility for the actions inspired by his over-the-top rants.

In 2009, Richard Poplawski, a self-proclaimed White supremacist got into a heated argument with his mother over a dog urinating on the floor. Poplawski threatens his mother with a firearm and she calls the police. As the police arrive, the man opened fired on the police. A mentally disturbed individual with a firearm was a mixture for trouble. Poplawski had previously enlisted in the United States Marine Corps, but he was discharged from boot camp after throwing a food tray at a drill instructor.

Mark Potok, a representative of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) which had reviewed Poplawski's internet postings, stated that "he believed the Jews were coming, the Jews controlled society, you know, we're all under the thumb of Zionists and so on."A report by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) stated that Poplawski had expressed frustration that "not enough attention was being focused on the evil of Jews."

Poplawski was a member of Stormfront, a white supremacist website, where he was a frequent visitor and poster. Poplawski had reportedly posted a picture of his tattoo, a "deliberately Americanized version of the iron eagle" to the website, as well as a link to a YouTube video of Congressman Ron Paul discussing with Fox News host Glenn Beck the rumored existence of FEMA-managed concentration camps.

Poplawski last logged into Stormfront at 3:32 a.m. Saturday, only hours before the shootings.

Poplawski also frequently visited and occasionally posted on Alex Jones' Infowars website. One of his frustrations with the site, though, was that it supposedly didn't focus enough on the nefarious roles played by Jews in all these conspiracies. "For being such huge players in the endgame," he observed in a March 29, 2009 posting to Infowars, "too many 'infowarriors' are surprisingly unfamiliar with the Zionists."

Among Poplawski's "last few links from MySpace" were a Meyer Briggs personality test, and a psychotherapy chart.

Edward Perkovic, a friend of Poplawski, said the gunman feared "the Obama gun ban that's on the way" and "didn't like our rights being infringed upon". Perkovic also stated that Poplawski "didn't like the Zionists controlling the media and controlling, you know, our freedom of speech" and that "He didn't like the control of the guns that was about to happen. He believed everything our forefathers put before us and thought that it was being distorted." Another longtime friend, Aaron Vire, said that Poplawski feared President Obama was going to take away his rights.

Poplawski posted that he believed that "the federal government, mainstream media, and banking system in these United States are strongly under the influence of -- if not completely controlled by -- Zionist interest. An economic collapse of the financial system is inevitable, bringing with it some degree of civil unrest if not outright balkanization of the continental US, civil/revolutionary/racial war . . . This collapse is likely engineered by the elite Jewish powers that be in order to make for a power and asset grab."
Militia groups are preppers for the great "race war!" White supremacists recruit former police officers, military officers and young people who feel like they're without a home. Extremism is on the rise in the country and the reelection of President Barack Obama fuels their rage. Gun sales are up because of phobias of the president taking the guns!
In March 2009, Poplawski wrote on a white supremacist website that "ZOG (Zionist-occupied government) is... One can read the list of significant persons in government and in major corporations and see who is pulling the strings. One can observe the policies and final products and should walk away with little doubt there is Zionist occupation and -- after some further research & critical thinking -- will discover their insidious intentions."

Poplawski was injured after he attacked the three officers. In 2010, the man was sentenced to death for the killing of Pittsburgh Officers Eric G. Kelly, Stephen J. Mayhle, and Paul J. Sciullo, II.

Alex Jones blames the government for inspiring him to commit such an act.

The conspiracy theorist and WHITE EXTREMIST Alex Jones hasn't made this issue any better.

The president is looking for a stricter background check and restrictions to high capacity magazines for automatic weapons.

The NRA isn't supporting any regulations to firearms. Conservatives are rallying what little power they have. And of course, Alex Jones makes the whole bunch look like a bunch of idiots. Not to mention they're looking more like RACISTS.