
Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Extremist Wants To Deport Piers Morgan!

Alex Jones is fired up! Worried about the end of days! But yet he manages to turn a profit!

Conspiracy kook Alex Jones made himself look like a fool in front of tabloid journalist Piers Morgan. Of course, his gullible audience will say that he mopped the floor with Morgan. It would be funny if not sad that to make yourself a part of the news, you would get into a shouting match for ratings. Great tactic Piers Morgan. You may be a worthy competitor to agitators Sean Hannity and Rachel Maddow

It's the talk of the nation: gun control!

Since the Sandy Hook shooting, many Americans are now turning to Washington, DC for swift action on gun control. The National Rifle Association, Gun Owner's Association, Republicans and their conservative allies in the media are trying to hyperbole everything into the blame.
Alex Jones confronts Piers Morgan. The exchange was contentious.
The NRA blames President Barack Obama, the entertainment industry (i.e. video games, hip-hop music, movies, television programs, etc.) and gun control advocates for Sandy Hook. The NRA thinks its reasonable to have armed guards in America's schools.

The United Kingdom has strict gun control laws and less violence in number to domestic attacks by firearms.

Piers Morgan makes no bones about gun control. He's gotten into shouting matches with firearm supporters and it's riled them up! Morgan got into it with WHITE EXTREMIST Larry Pratt of the Gun Owner's Association. That lit up the internet and got PrisonPlanet/InfoWars/radio host Alex Jones ribbed.

Jones and his advocates took to the White House petition website to demand that Morgan be sent back to the United Kingdom (hereby banning him for speaking out against the Second Amendment of the Bill Of Rights).

Jones is no stranger to agitation. He's hated by both the left and right as a kook. While he's promoting the end of days, Jones is selling survivor kits and food preparation meals. The fool is a "prepper" and "Christian Identity" extremist. The Southern Poverty Law Center and Anti-Defamation League calls him an agitator of the "right wing extremism". His commentary and website promotes the 9/11 and birther conspiracies.
Little Green Footballs founder Charles Johnson, disassociated himself from the conservative movement after numerous racial attacks on President Barack Obama and the Black community from the likes of Matt Drudge, Michelle Malkin and Alex Jones. These three agitators were instrumental in posting stories about racial unrest. Little Green Footballs was once a conservative website, it leans liberal now!
The Drudge Report has put forth stories on the website about potential "racial unrest" in the nation due to the reelection of President Barack Obama. During the 2012 U.S. Elections, Alex Jones and his allies were posting stories about Black violence in urban areas. Matt Drudge was tipped off and it landed on his website.

It wouldn't be worth my time to explain this character. He's shady.

Jones would count himself as an agitator of the conservative media.

The man who wants Piers Morgan deported for advocating gun control faced off with the CNN host on Morgan's show Monday night, denouncing Morgan as "a hatchet man of the New World Order" and warning of a new American revolution.

Radio talk show host Alex Jones backed a petition on the White House website calling on Morgan, a British citizen, to be deported "for his effort to undermine the Bill of Rights and for exploiting his position as a national network television host to stage attacks against the rights of American citizens."

Alex Jones: "The Republic will rise again when you attempt to take our guns"

"We did (this) to point out that this is globalism, and the megabanks that control the planet and brag they have taken over in Bloomberg, AP, Reuters, you name it -- brag they're going to get our guns as well," said Jones, who said his show is carried on 140 U.S. stations.

Morgan has been outspoken in calling for restrictions of semi-automatic rifles like the kind used in last year's mass killings in Newtown, Connecticut, and Aurora, Colorado. But Jones said the U.S. Constitution's guarantee of a right to bear arms "isn't there for duck hunting. It's there to protect us from tyrannical government and street thugs."

"Hitler took the guns. Stalin took the guns. Mao took the guns. Fidel Castro took the guns. Hugo Chavez took the guns. And I'm here to tell you, 1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms," Jones shouted.

This is a portion of CNN's Piers Morgan Tonight in which he engages with Alex Jones.