
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Glenn Beck Plans On Building "Libertarian" Suburb!

Controversial agitator and media mogul want to build a libertarian/conservative suburb in the state of Texas.

Glenn Beck left his New York home to move to the state of Texas. Ever since the Fox News fiasco, Beck has no permanent television home. He went on to create The Blaze, a conservative themed news agitating blog and video channel.

Beck is the fourth most listened to radio host in the nation.

The urban cowboy is a major thorn to the president. During his short time at Fox News, Glenn Beck appeared at the 5pm slot. He started off big and yet still managed to hurt the network where it hurts, its advertising. During an appearance on Fox & Friends, Beck declared that President Barack Obama was a racist. He stated that the president had deep seated hatred for the White race.

The Color of Change managed to get his advertising pulled and a few syndication affiliates to drop him off the radio dial.

Ever since, you may see Beck on The O'Reilly Factor agitating the latest conspiracy coming from the White House. And since Beck now invest in conspiracies, his former ally Alex Jones is feuding with him.

Beck and Jones both try to outcrazy one another!

Beck make a killing when he does his little profit rage act! From the agitator shedding the crocodile tears to the development of his libertarian/conservative themed suburb, Beck is profiting reasonably well.

Time reports that Beck introduced his high-concept oasis during a Blaze TV program, complete with a blueprint and drawings. Independence would showcase live events, small businesses, educational projects, charity, entertainment, news and information, all built on free-market principles. Residency would not be required for participation.

Independence would imbue its values into its architecture (the front gate is modeled after the one on Ellis Island), its agriculture (plans include a working ranch where visitors can learn how to farm and work the land) and its economy (free-market and laissez-faire, naturally). For instance, a downtown “Marketplace” would be the centerpiece of commerce. “The Marketplace would be a place where craftsmen and artisans could open and run real small businesses and stores,” Beck explained during his presentation. “The owners and tradesmen could hold apprenticeships and teach young people the skills and entrepreneurial spirit that has been lost in today’s entitlement state.”

Beck is a total nutcase, but his idea may come forth. He makes almost $159 million in net worth. Through his radio show, media appearances, books, websites and fan base, Beck managed to be force to reckon with.

When people doubted he would ever succeed, Beck bounced back and continues to defy all the doubters.

We wish him well on his latest endeavor.


  1. One beats the bush, and another catches the bird

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