
Saturday, December 22, 2012

[These Racist Conservatives] Complain About Obama Taking Vacations!

President Barack Obama enjoys shaved ice with daughter Malia. Conservatives fume up over the president taking a vacation. Once again, another lame NIGGERIZATION of President Barack Obama by those in the extremist conservative media. Matt Drudge leads the way to racial ignorance.

The fiscal cliff showdown continues. In Washington, DC, the partisan gridlock is so unprecedented.

President Barack Obama and the Congressional Republicans are odds over the Bush tax cuts. The Republicans want to keep the tax cuts permanent for all Americans. President Barack Obama wants the tax cuts to expire for those making over $250,000. The Republicans want a trillion in spending cuts (i.e. domestic safety nets). The president wants all on the table cuts (i.e. domestic safety nets, defense cuts, and budget reduction). They can't get to an agreement!

The Republicans are losing the battle. The public wants tax rates to go up on the rich. The president won the narrative and his job approval is showing that. Currently his job approval is 57% according to Gallup. The rising in job approval gives the president the edge. A CNN/ORC poll says that the Republicans are too ideological! Basically extreme in the way of governing. That's not good for them.

They're actually trying to refocus their narrative. They're trying to distance themselves from the extremists in their party. Congressman John Boehner (R-Ohio, Speaker of the House) shown signs of trying to put the brakes on the Tea Party. Some Republicans are venting off frustration over Tea Party members being stripped of committee chairs. The PLAN B bill was a total failure. The Republican leader couldn't gather enough of his party to vote on the bill. The bill would raise taxes on those making $1 million or more. The Republicans pretty much boxed themselves in. The president now controls the message!

President Barack Obama can say that Republicans would rather have everyone pay higher taxes because of their refusal to compromise. The fiscal cliff (sequester) will take effect on January 1, 2013. The defense cuts, safety net cuts, the student loan rates, the tax rates will be affected.

Many Americans are getting frustrated with passing legislation at the last minute. The backlog is great. The U.S. Postal Service, a farm bill, and Hurricane Sandy disaster relief were stalled by Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) and other Tea Party endorse members. Our milk prices could go up beginning in February. The total destruction of Atlantic coast has families scrambling for federal aid. Republicans want no part of it because of a few earmarks slipped into the bill.

PLAN B failed and Speaker Boehner was handed an embarrassment. He's fumed up and teared up. The 112th Congress has proven to be one of the worst under his leadership. Now as Boehner, Senator Harry Reid (D-Nevada, Majority Leader) and members of the House and Senate recess for the holiday break, the president also takes a break. The president left out Friday night for his vacation home in Hawaii.

The Congress will return on December 27, 2012 for a few more days of gridlock. It's a 57% chance they'll have a compromise by the end of the year.

Anyways, The Drudge Report. The conservative agitator's website attracts White extremists!

They're fumed up yet again over the president taking a vacation. It seems like they probably never take a vacation from complaining! These individuals are the most dumbest bunch of human excrement.

Once again you'll read the word salad of ignorance. The first thing is the blatant disrespect of the president. Then they'll fume up on birther nonsense. And lastly they'll complain about why it's the president's fault for not getting things done.

The president does deserve a vacation. The 2012 U.S. presidential elections were one of the most partisan and costly events ever! Republicans have pissed him off with the fiscal cliff and his nominations. The Republicans are still upset over Mitt Romney being beaten down by the president. The conservatives don't understand the duties of the president. It's a everyday routine for President Barack Obama. The president's duties are 24/7. The president gets daily briefings! He is updated on the status of the nation, wherever he goes. No matter what he does, White extremists will complain!

Hawaii is where his family lives. He's entitled to see his family.

Republicans legislators are going to home too!

Aren't you complaining about that?

I guess not!

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