
Friday, December 21, 2012

Did The NRA Misfired?

A rifle and a smile! - Wayne LaPierre

You know how to make an enemy?

Insult them directly. Today the spokesman for the nation's gun rights organization managed to not only piss off the media, but probably those Americans who lost their families to gun violence.

The chief spokesperson for the National Rifle Association Wayne LaPierre once again stepped in the shit and tired to shoot the shit off with his six shot pistol.

Today's press conference by the NRA was led by David Keane, the president of the gun lobbyist group. Wayne LaPierre went to the cameras to discuss the situation and managed to do the word salad of blaming the entertainment industry (i.e. the media, video games, and rap music) for the mass shootings by deranged White terrorists and gang members.

The NRA has been under heavy criticism for their role in the firearm industry. The Sandy Hook shooting tragedy became the rally cry for the gun control debate. President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden have finally decided to take on the issue. Although this was left off the table, many progressives are now demanding the president focus on this by his second term.

The NRA has been defiant in the defense of their organization. They blame President Barack Obama for this.

They call for armed security in the nation's public schools. They defend the maximum capacity of the firearms used in the shooting tragedy. They want the president and Congress to act in unison to have the rights of gun owners protected.

LaPierre managed to shoot up a couple of rounds into the graves of these victims. He decided to use the Sandy Hook tragedy to claim the president failing to sign legislation that protects schools.

Reporters at the today's press conference were shocked by the statements made by him. LaPierre stated  “The only thing that stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun,” LaPierre said at a press conference in Washington. LaPierre also called on Congress to act immediately ”to appropriate whatever is necessary to put armed police officers in every school in this nation.” LaPierre was interrupted twice by gun-control protesters; one held up a sign that read: “NRA Killing Our Kids.”

“Politicians pass laws for gun-free school zones, they issue press releases bragging about them … in doing so they tell every insane killer in America that schools are the safest place to inflict maximum mayhem with minimum risk,” said  LaPierre, the head of the nation’s largest gun rights group.

LaPierre said that if the Newtown school had been armed officers on site, lives may have been spared.

“Will you at least admit is is possible that 26 little kids — that 26 innocent lives might have been spared that day,” he asked.

Now that the NRA spoke out against gun control, the rest is left to those who put pressure on the legislators.

Defiance and stupidity continues to plague the Republicans and its allies in the conservative movement.
Nra Press Conference

The National Rifle Association has proven that they care more about firearms than the lives of those lost to them. They've forgotten in urban schools, they have metal detectors. It took a suburban school shooting to make this an issue.

How many gun crimes occur in the neighborhoods of metropolitan cities?

How many people died because they've played violent video games?

Grand Theft Auto, Splinter Cell, Halo and Mortal Kombat are adult games. It's the parent's fault for allowing their children to play these games. It's not the entertainment industry's fault for a mental person causing a mass shooting!

The NRA really screwed up with this press conference.

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