
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Middle East Protesters Kill American Ambassador!

The Middle East is upset over a movie produced by a bigot depicting the Prophet Mohammad in a negative light. The people who were responsible created a diplomatic mess. An American ambassador loses his life over this.
The growing tension over an portion of an American bigot's movie has a bunch of bigots in the Middle East riled up. It's blasphemous that anyone mocks the prophet Mohammad. The American bigotry towards the Islamic faith is unprecedented.

White supremacists crimes against those who are Muslim or Sikh are growing. There's reports of the rise of  hate crimes towards those who are Muslim or Sikh. From vandalism, burning of the qur'an and total destruction of a mosque, some individuals are taking their hate of one religion to the extreme. Wade Michael Page, fueled on ignorance thought he killed Muslims. Unfortunately, he killed Sikh. They're not Muslims, but since the men are wearing turbans, I guess it's Muslim to a White supremacist.

Congressman Peter King (R-New York) caused a major firestorm last year when he demanded that law enforcement look into the rise of radicalism in American Mosques. King didn't focus on extremism in general.

The rise of right wing extremism was off the table.

Christian fundamentalism was off the table. King wanted to be focused on Shir'ia law and the Cordoba House (Ground Zero Mosque).
File:Pastor Terry Jones Marching in DC.jpg
Terry Jones (right) is a controversial pastor in Florida. He burned Qur'an in attempt to draw attention about "radical" Islam. What he's done was setback progress between the United States, Israel and the Middle East. All for the freedom of speech and religious intolerance.
State legislators wasted time passing laws trying to make it crime to practice Shir'ia law. Wasting time on the culture war instead of working on helping people find jobs.

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota) made a personal attack on former Congressman Anthony Weiner's wife because of her disdain for the Muslim Brotherhood, a politically conservative religious sect that elected its first Egyptian leader since the fall of Hosni Mubarak. Bachmann also criticized her fellow legislator Congressman Keith Ellison (D-Minnesota) for alleged ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Her words caused Anthony Weiner to hire more security. Ellison shot back at the Republicans for being divisive towards Islam and not focusing on matters that help Americans find work.

Conservative agitator Michael Savage, Pam Geller, Frank Gaffney, and Brigitte Gabriel are known Islamophobics. They devoted their time to bashing Muslims.

Republican nominee, Mitt Romney insults the Middle East on his first tour as a presidential nominee. The nominee (who is a known perennial candidate) is a foreign policy novice. He doesn't have the skill in diplomatic affairs. Jerusalem is a holy religious area and those involved in this matter are part of the highly conservative Sunni Islam religion and those of highly conservative Masorti Judaism religion. They're conflicting over the natural rights of the city. Romney clearly took a side in this conflict by stating that Jerusalem was the national capital of Israel. That had Palestine leaders upset. The United Nation doesn't recognized Jerusalem as the national capital and many feel this is a touchy issue in the time where those in the West Bank and Gaza Strip want to declare sovereignty.

Many in the Republican Party were railing against the Democratic Party for not invoking god as a platform at their national convention. President Barack Obama, Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Florida), and Los Angeles mayor Antonio Villaraigosa demanded their delegates recognize god and Jerusalem as the national capital of Israel. That led to members booing. Some of the members of the Democratic delegation were probably Islamic, Sikh, agnostic, and non-religious protesting the move being a political expediency.

The prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu and President Barack Obama aren't on the best of terms.

The conservative leader has criticized President Obama over his handling over Iran's nuclear program. The president and his administration are seriously focus on preventing the nation from creating a nuclear weapon.

Christopher Stevens dies because of protest in Libya.
Iran denies these claims and stating continuously that it's nuclear program is for proper energy usage.

Republican nominee Mitt Romney condemns the Obama administration for not talking to Netanyahu.

Netanyahu has been a problem for President Barack Obama. They've often clashed over Iran and the sanctions of the Gaza Strip and West Bank.

President Barack Obama is strong on foreign policy. But this recent controversy overseas has giving Romney an opportunity to catch up on his leadership skills. The president is pretty much upset over the incident that lead to the death of the U.S. Ambassador to Libya.

Terry Jones, the controversial pastor of a Florida church and an Israeli-American real estate developer created a freaking backlash overseas. The foolish pastor burn the Qur'an at his Dove's World Outreach International Church which sparked deadly protest in Afghanistan, Iraq and areas where the United States has its interest and abroad.

The independent film, Innocence of Muslims was produced and directed by Sam Bacile, an Israeli-American real estate developer. According to Bacile, he produced the film to call attention to what he perceived were the "hypocrisies" of Islam.

According to Ynet, Bacile said he raised $5 million from about 100 Jewish donors, whom he declined to identify. Working with about 60 actors and 45 crew members, he said he made the two-hour movie in three months last year in California. The film has been promoted by Terry Jones, the Florida pastor whose burning of qur'ans previously sparked deadly riots around the world, who said Tuesday that he planned to show a 13-minute trailer that night at his church in Gainesville, Florida. "It is an American production, not designed to attack Muslims but to show the destructive ideology of Islam," he said in a statement. "The movie further reveals in a satirical fashion the life of Muhammad."

In July 2012, a 14-minute excerpt from the English-language film was posted on YouTube. By September the movie had been dubbed into Arabic, by which time it had attracted the attention of Muslim leaders who criticized the film's depiction of Muhammad.The Daily Telegraph reported that it portrayed Muhammad as an advocate of pedophilia and a homosexual, showing him having sex.

Bacile is now fearing for his life.

Some are calling for the United States to remove themselves from the Middle East.

The Israelis are threatening to use military force against Iran. That move may spark another World War and the United States and United Nations are warning of dire consequences if Israel strikes.

Mitt Romney is a foolish politician. Just when you though he was toast, here comes a break. This may give him a chance to brush up on international affairs. This is one of those moments where the 3am phone call is needed.

Terry Jones, Sam Becile and those Libya and Eygpt are reckless. Plain and simple.

Terry Jones knew what he was doing! He knew that this will draw international attention to his pathetic church and put the path to peace in jeopardy. What he's done was made it more likely for people of Afghanistan to drop their support of the United States. The president is trying to end the war in Afghanistan by 2014, and the mass killings over there is on the rise. The religiously conservative Taliban is trying to regain an advantage. The Taliban plots terrorist attacks on American troops and the people of Pakistan.

We here at Journal de la Reyna express our condolences to those Americans lost in this tragic incident. We also condemn those who use religion as an excuse to cause injury and death of the innocence. 

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