
Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Michelle Obama Wowed The Crowd!

President Obama watches the first lady's speech with daughters.
The amazing speech from First Lady Michelle Obama. The media is loving every bit of her Democratic Convention Speech.

Even those asshats over at the opposition network, Fox News is even giving her slight praise.

Ann Romney couldn't wow a crowd. Her speech at the Republican National Convention was unmemorable.

With that said, we get the reaction from the White House where her husband President Barack Obama, his daughters Malia and Sasha were watching.

Barack Obama is an embattled president. His legacy was marred with obstruction by the Republicans and their allies in the conservative movement. The economy is improving but it's struggling because of the uncertainty of the global woes overseas. The U.S. Congress is stalled with continuous gridlock by legislators who refuse to concede when it comes to the president's request to raise taxes on millionaires. These Republican legislators supports the creed of the National Rifle Association, Grover Norquist, Club for Growth, American Crossroads, Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.

Media loved First Lady Michelle Obama's national convention speech.

Now as the Democratic National Convention enters its second day, people are amazed by San Antonio mayor Julián Castro and Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick. The speakers go after Republican nominee Mitt Romney as usual and demand the American voters place the blame solely on the Republican Party.

The Republicans obstruction is unprecedented. They made their case to deny the president a second term.

Their candidate will roll back progress. The Democratic speakers are demanding their supporters to help Barack Obama win the presidency.

The second day brings Vice President Joe Biden, former president Bill Clinton, women's rights advocate Sandra Fluke and special guests. Sandra Fluke was attacked by Rush Limbaugh earlier this year after she appeared at a congressional testimony in which she was pleading to Congressman Darrell Issa (R-California) about birth control of a friend. Limbaugh lambasted her and called her a slut and wanted to see a porn tape with her in it. That caused him to lose over a hundred endorsements.

According to CNN actresses Scarlett Johansson, Natalie Portman and Kerry Washington will appear at the Democratic National Convention. Each actress has worked with Republican National Convention speaker, famed actor/director Clinton Eastwood. They're suppose to be the counterpunch to Eastwood's famous and yet controversial speech in which he mocked an empty seat as President Barack Obama.

The Democrats are trying to bring forth diversity. They wanted to bring on former Republicans to dismiss the hype of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. A firefighter from Cincinnati appears onstage to dismiss the Ohio governor and his allied campaign on the SB 5 legislation in which it stripped the public sector unions of bargaining rights. It was repealed by a majority of voters in 2011. Lincoln Chafee, the independent governor of Rhode Island slammed his former party. Then Senator Chafee was a moderate Republican who stood firm against the War in Iraq and wanted to protect the environment. He lost to Sheldon Whitehouse in the 2006 U.S. Midterms. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-Rhode Island) reelection chances are higher than his fellow member Senator Claire McCaskill (D-Missouri) who decided to skip the Democratic National Convention.

Former U.S. Senate candidate and governor of Florida, Charlie Crist endorsed John McCain in 2008. Now the newly independent politician endorsed Barack Obama for president. He will be the headliner on the third night. He represents the counterpunch to Artur Davis, a former Alabama Democratic congressman and gubernatorial candidate who switched parties to possible return to Congress. Davis endorsed Barack Obama for president in 2008. He now endorses Mitt Romney for president.

Senator Joe Lieberman (I-Connecticut) wasn't at the Republican National Convention. I doubt he'll appear at the Democratic National Convention.

Former governor of Ohio Ted Strickland mocked Mitt Romney. He made the comment that if Mitt Romney was Santa Claus, he would fire the reindeer and outsource the elves. His money would vacation in the Cayman Islands in summer and spent Winter in Switzerland on the slopes. Strickland goes after his successor Republican Ohio governor John Kasich for his destructive overreach. This gives Ohio the toss up, yet again putting forth a bellwether for the president and Mitt Romney. Kasich was warned not to mention the improvements in the battleground state of Ohio because it defeats Romney's argument of a disappointing economy. Ohio unemployment is 7.2% lower than the national average.

Ted Kennedy's is a legend among the party faithful. The infamous 1994 U.S. Senate debate in which then a younger Mitt Romney wanted to win this seat. Kennedy mocked Romney on his flip-flopping. Kennedy stated he's pro-choice, Mitt Romney is multiple choice.

The Republicans are responding back to the speeches. They're saying that the president's allies aren't focused on jobs, but blaming either Bush, Romney or whomever to avoid the president's dismal record.

Ted Strickland's speech

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