
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Is That You, Mitt? You're Sweating Desperation!

Romney 47 Percent
Deer in the headlights moment.
Look at this guy!

He's got the deer in the headlights moment. The Mother Jones YouTube clip in which he spoke negatively about American voters failing to pay their taxes are willing supporting President Barack Obama not only proven to be a misstatement, but an anchor tied around his condescending neck.

You can't tell me that this jerk, Mitt Romney cares about the middle class. You can't tell me that Mitt Romney is actually serious about fixing the economy.

You already got less talk about him and more talk about the issue with this anti-Islamic movie that sparked global unrest and violence in the Middle East.

The president has launched an aggressive campaign to paint this clown as aloof on foreign policy and willing to help the upper class with tax cuts that could impact our economy.

Romney tried to say "Obama Isn't Working!" That's not working!

Romney picked Congressman Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin) to be his running mate to assure that he's "severely" conservative. There's less talk about him, and he's grumbling! He feels that the campaign isn't giving him enough exposure and he's starting to be discouraged. The Republicans and their conservative allies are starting to see the impact of a tepid Mitt Romney. The usually careful Romney Campaign started its course downward last year.

First you got a bunch of even more extreme candidates trying their best to beat him. Tim Pawlenty, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry and Herman Cain were trying to paint themselves as the anti-Romney candidate.

The Republican candidates were taken out quickly by their own faults. Mitt Romney was a moderate candidate at the time, but he knew how to maneuver through the angry rhetoric to beat them out!

But under pressure, Mitt Romney fired his foreign policy adviser for being gay. He allowed his chief communication adviser tell a liberal comedian that he'll "Etch-A-Sketch" to a position to win independent voters. He allows his adviser tell a friendly media outlet that his "infamous" healthcare reform is the greatest, pissing off conservatives. He is boxed into a corner about releasing more than a year's worth a taxes. His own father released over 10 years of taxes. He is vague on his policies to fix the economy. Even his own running mate can't say what Romney's plans are!

We're not there yet, but these debates are the last thing before we cast our votes.

Instead of waiting to vote on November 6, 2012, I'm gonna do early voting. Early voting is the safest and yes easiest way to get things done. I am guessing it's going to be chaotic in the coming weeks.

Mother Jones has promised more videos are on the way.

You can smell the desperation in the campaign.

Conservative talk radio isn't talking about Romney much in their three hour word salad. They're focus on Obama only. That assures they're writing Mitt Romney off.

Known rifts in the campaign started with direct criticism from the likes Laura Ingraham, Rush Limbaugh, George Will, Peggy Noonan, Bill Kristol, Steve Schmidt (former McCain Campaign Chief Adviser), Herman Cain, Bill O'Reilly, Erick Erickson, Michelle Malkin, S.E. Cupp, Neal Boortz and even Sarah Palin. They've  knocked the Romney Campaign for being weak.

It's out in the open.

Sean Hannity seems like the only person who is willing to see the positive of a disastrous campaign.

Instead of apologizing for the comments, he double downs. Romney spoke to reporters Monday evening in a hastily called news conference after the emergence of a video in which the GOP presidential nominee told donors that almost half of American voters "believe that they are victims."

The Republican nominee did not disavow the comments but said they were made during a question-and-answer session. He said it was indicative of his campaign's effort to "focus on the people in the middle."

You got to admit that I'm not surprised that Mitt Romney isn't going to apologize. It would defeat his argument that "Obama apologizes for the America's woes". And I guess he's stuck in his ways with this type of rhetoric.

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