
Monday, September 10, 2012

Dead Beat Congressman Knocks Sandra Fluke!

Rep. Joe Walsh in a file photo speaking in Washington, D.C. in May 2012.
Congressman Joe Walsh (R-Illinois) makes light of the Sandra Fluke controversy. He knocks her for making an appearance at the Democratic National Convention.

Congressman Joe Walsh (R-Illinois) never ceases to amaze me. He and a portion of the Republican House members are so far in the extreme, they don't even care who they attack. They're not concerned about the repercussions of their harsh words. They are welcomed with open arms with groups such as the John Birch Society, the National Rifle Association, The Heritage Foundation, Brotherhood Of A New Destiny (BOND), VDare and Family Research Council.

The Republicans are knee toed to radical extremists. They dog whistle the angry White male who is likely to cause a mass shooting in a town somewhere. And of course, Walsh, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota), Congressman Todd Akin (R-Missouri), Congressman Allen West (R-Florida), Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) and even vice presidential nominee Congressman Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin) pander to the most asinine human beings to ever exist in this country.

Women's rights activist Sandra Fluke
Sandra Fluke, the featured speaker at the Democratic National Convention is once again a target of conservative ire. The Tea Party endorsed candidate for reelection is trying to win a seat that's competitive.

Republicans are trying to eliminate the negativity.

Congresswoman Bachmann, Congressman West and of course Congressman Walsh are going to be written off based on how the redistricting kind of put them in heavier Democratic districts.

Fluke was attacked by Rush Limbaugh, Monica Crowley and Bill O'Reilly based on her advocacy for birth control being paid by private companies.

Fluke is engaged to her boyfriend and is a legal assistance attorney.

Walsh is a first term Congressman who won in 2010. Marred with controversy, Walsh has said themes that come off as extreme. He recently settled his legal woes with his former wife and mother of his children. He was ordered to pay $110,000 in child support. Also Citizens for Responsible and Ethics in Washington (CREW) calls Walsh one of the most corrupt politicians to be elected to office.

Walsh speaks at a gathering in Addison, Illinois. He knocks Fluke for being an "entittled" 31 years old college student. He told her to "get a job" and "stop taking from those hardworking Americans!"

This buffoon criticized Black voters for their overwhelming support for President Barack Obama over former governor and perennial candidate Mitt Romney, the Republican nominee.

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