
Friday, September 14, 2012

Racist Bar Claims The White House Smells Like Chicken?

Georgia bar owner who famously held up t-shirts depicting Barack Obama as a monkey is once again throwing up another racist attack on the president.

Once again, Mike Norman's controversial restaurant is under fire for bring forth another eye popping attack on the president.

The asshole died in 2011.

So now under the ownership of his daughters, Brandi and Kelly, these assholes continue to make their father proud.

They went forth to put a sign on the Mulligan's Food & Spirits to depict President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama as "chicken eating, watermelon slurping, Kool-Aid drinking, collard green chomping, Colt 45 guzzling niggers" according to the sign!

Now technically, they're not throwing up the offensive slur. But the way they're depicting the "Blacks and the bucket of chicken" stereotype makes it more likely they meant to go further then what the sign said!

Redding News Review and the South Cobb Patch writer Kiri Walton brought it to my attention.

Mulligan's former owner Mike Norman was no stranger to posting controversial signs and even sold T-shirts depicting President Barack Obama, then a presidential candidate, as the monkey, Curious George.

Gerald Rose, founder of the New Order National Human Rights Organization, and other members of the group plan to meet at the restaurant at 11 a.m. to speak with the bar's owner and hold a press conference.

Rose wrote this in an email to Patch and other news outlets:
"As African Americans we UNDERSTAND the meaning of FREEDOM of SPEECH, and we can also SEE when people ABUSE that RIGHT just to show their IGNORANCE! The Mulligan's Restaurant is NOT a STRANGER in DISPLAYING their HATE toward ANYONE that's ou...tside of their own race. So, being the case Gerald E. Rose and New Order will be holding a PRESS CONFERENCE on THIS TUESDAY at 11:00am at the Mulligan's Food & Spirits. As a race we have come TOO FAR to GO BACKWARDS, and instead of REMAINING SILENT our VOICES will be HEARD!"
Racist asshole Mike Norman in 2008 with anti-Obama shirt.
This isn't the first time the bar has posted signs deemed racist by community members. In April 2011, the bar posted a sign that read "W------s R criminals! Hire one and U R too! House Bill 87" referring to controversial House Bill 87, an anti-illegal immigration bill which Gov. Nathan Deal signed into law. Various individuals and members of human rights groups said the law encouraged racial profiling.

Norman, who owned the bar before he died in October 2011, told CBS Atlanta in 2011 that he did not think his sign was racist.

"I am just telling it like it is," Norman said.

However, Jerry Gonzalez, executive director of Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials, said the sign was racist and "the hateful rhetoric" is inappropriate for Georgia.

"It’s racist. It’s pejorative. It’s demeaning. It’s dehumanizing,” said Gonzalez.

Curious George is a famous series of books that tells the adventures of a little monkey and his owner The Man In A Big Yellow Hat. Curious George is also a television series on PBS.


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  2. Thanks. We appreciate your support.
