
Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Todd Akin Scandal: Drudge Wants To Scalp Al Franken's Head!

There's talk that Congressman Todd Akin (R-Missouri) getting out the U.S. Senate Race. The Republicans want him not only out of the race but to resign from the House of Representatives. They fear his impact could damage the Romney/Ryan Campaign.
So Matt Drudge wants to make the controversy involving Congressman Todd Akin (R-Missouri) deflect off to actor/writer Senator Al Franken (D-Minnesota)! On the infamous Drudge Report, the gay conservative agitator is pulling out the "big guns" and going back after his old enemy. When Matt Drudge ended his radio program in 2007, he handed the keys to Cincinnati's controversial talker Bill Cunningham. Cunningham takes the mantle and focuses his daily and Sunday based program on issues about his community of Cincinnati and the national news based off the Drudge formula. When Al Franken was on the radio, he wished the agitator happy trails. But he got a good dig at Drudge on his way out!

Since then, it's been kind of a retaliation for Matt Drudge to go after his rivals. When Franken ended his program to run for the U.S. Senate, he took on then Senator Norm Coleman (R-Minnesota), a former mayor and Democrat who switched parties. In a contested race between the candidates, the Republicans were hoping that Franken would lose big. They've thought wrong!

Then they've went forth to contest the race results.

The race resulted in less than 1,000 votes between Coleman and Franken.

Coleman conceded the race! Franken became the new senator.

Now that it's been three years since he's been in office. The Republicans hate him as much as Barack Obama. They thought he was going to be acting like a "comedian". So far, he's been a very serious about issues. The senator has worked hard for the people of Minnesota. He managed to keep the focus on the middle class. He never backs down from the responsibilities as a senator.

The Todd Akin Scandal has distracted the Mitt Romney Campaign. They fear that the message on the economy will dwindle away from voters minds. They fear that members of the Republican Party will screw it up by focusing on issues that will turn off moderates. The culture war is an ongoing controversy and they fear the moderates and independents will swing to President Barack Obama.
Senator Al Franken (D-Minnesota) and Vice President Joe Biden. The conservatives are trying to tie the extreme comments of Congressman Todd Akin (R-Missouri).
The Weekly Standard, a conservative publication from the NewsCorp founded by Bill Kristol and Fred Barnes is trying to find an excuse. They wanted to paint Senator Al Franken then a writer on the TV show Saturday Night Live as a serial pervert. Then, he famously joked about raping CBS reporter Lesley Stahl.

As New York magazine reported in 1995, from a writing session that the reporter sat in on:

Franken: “And, ‘I give the pills to Lesley Stahl. Then, when Lesley’s passed out, I take her to the closet and rape her.’ Or, ‘That’s why you never see Lesley until February.’ Or, ‘When she passes out, I put her in various positions and take pictures of her.’”

With the national conversation now turning to women's issues as a result of the bizarre and offensive comments by Missouri Senate candidate Todd Akin over the weekend, it seems a bit odd that Vice President Biden would take the stage with Franken, considering his own lack of sensitivity to the horrors of rape.

Since conservatives love to blame the so-called liberal media for saying things that come off as racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic, condescending, overreaching, and moronic, the Republicans want this controversy to disappear.

So what do they do, blame others and President Barack Obama?

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