
Saturday, August 25, 2012

Mitt Romney: Can't You Take A [Birther] Joke?

I am glad you guys known I was born an American! The Romney Campaign denies that he cracked a dog whistle to the brither movement.
While stomping in Michigan, Mitt Romney the perennial candidate for president made a joke to dog whistle the extremist within the conservative movement.

What is apparent is this campaign and the president's campaign have focused on going hard on one another.

But how can the former governor of Massachusetts maintain a straight face and saying that?

He was talking about where he and his wife Ann Romney birthplace saying that Americans never questioned where he was born. That was apparently dig at President Barack Obama being constantly hounded about his birthplace.

Of course, the president was born in Hawaii. Conservatives aren't buying it. It generated a brief controversy when Donald Trump, the reality television star and businessman got into the issue of the president's birth certificate.

In late April 2011, the president released his long-form birth certificate. About a week later, he order the mission to kill Osama bin Laden.

Now that Romney rang the bell, the Obama campaign shot back. They believe that Mitt Romney is pandering to the birther movement to win voters.

Mitt Romney dismissed the claims and stated that it's a little bit of mild humor, get over it! Rush Limbaugh went on radio to praise the candidate for mentioning the birth certificate.

The Obama campaign released an ad is the latest in a string of responses from Romney's comment. First, a campaign spokesman slammed the Republican for "embrac[ing] the most strident voices in his party instead of standing up to them." Later, the president's official Twitter account followed with a barely veiled reference to the joke. The campaign also sent a fundraising email to supporters, with the subject line: "A new low for Mitt Romney."

Romney since insisted that he harbors no illusions about the president's birthplace, telling a reporter that, "there's no question about where he was born. He was born in the U.S."

"This was fun about us, and coming home," Romney went on to say.

Now that we're getting pass the Vice President Joe Biden and Congressman Todd Akin scandal, we turn to the ridiculous birther wars.

Yet, Mitt Romney hasn't shown the public his 2011 tax returns and President Barack Obama hasn't released a video that inspires the magic he obtained in 2008.

Mitt Romney can't take questions that could embarrass him. Conservatives make a huge fuss about these so-called "gotcha questions." When a local station ask the candidate questions about how to fix the economy, his negative campaign, why he choose Congressman Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin) as his running mate, and his tax returns, they dodge the questions or attack the station for going into that issue.

When President Barack Obama takes questions that are trying to embarrass him, the conservatives are thrilled. When they question his birthplace, on why he's being called a socialist, his race, topics about other political players comments about Mitt Romney, or misquotes about his policies, the president answers them and does get annoyed with the interviewer. But when conservatives get wind of it, they claim that the interviewer is fair and the president is hostile.

This birther nonsense is racism. The White angry male is likely to believe that the president isn't an American born citizen. They believe that his father is Frank Marshall Davis, a Hawaiian political activist. They believe he's either a Muslim, Kenyan born or Indonesian born citizen and he managed to outmaneuver the media by disclosing these "facts". They claim he's spent millions of dollars trying to hide this information.

Mitt Romney will say or do anything to appeal to the conservative base. They're shaky on him. He wasn't their first choice. They've rather dealt with either Herman Cain,  Jeb Bush, Rick Santorum, Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas) or even Senator Marco Rubio (R-Florida) as potential candidates.

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