
Friday, August 31, 2012

Meet The GOP Nominee: One Huge Bore!

The Romney/Ryan Ticket Will Take The Mantle As The Leaders Of The Republican Party.

Listening to Mitt Romney. No talk about his policies or plans. I mean did I miss something?

The former Massachusetts governor achieved his six year goal of becoming a nominee for the Republican presidential ticket.

Right off the bat, Mitt Romney makes his case to the American people about what he could do if he was the president. Many speakers included Ann Romney, Vice Presidential nominee Paul Ryan, Senator Marco Rubio (R-Florida), Condoleezza Rice, Governor Scott Walker (R-Wisconsin), Rick Santorum, Clint Eastwood, Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky), Artur Davis, Mia Love and Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-New Hampshire.

Mitt Romney has a five point plan to creating jobs. Okay how are you going to create 12 million jobs?

Talks about drilling, coal, nuclear without regulations. He criticized the president for not taking advantage of drilling and using coal.

The nominee talks about school choice. I am guessing school vouchers and cuts to education. Great how much money?

Trade war? How are you going to cut the deficit with what policies or laws?

Mitt has a 13% tax rate. So he wants small business taxes to be as low as he a corporation stockholder?

There's no talk about Afghanistan. A war that's been going on for over 10 years.

Mitt Romney lies about the president's record.

Mitt Romney doesn't go after abortion. He was a pro-choice governor.

But he wants to go after gay marriage. There's no discussion about the issues with Blacks, Latinos and veterans.

Mitt Romney takes his cues from conservative agitators.

Still rehashing this crap about the president apologizing to the world, but yet this clown slips his tongue about British spies and the complains about the London officials not ready for the Olympics. He claims that the president abandoning Israel and Poland.

When President Obama talked to the former president Dmitry Medvedev about the defense missile shield controversy, the president told Medvedev that after the elections he'll try to work on it. Romney pounced on the comments and warned Vladimar Putin not to bully the United States. So what Romney wants is basically another cold war with Russia.

Romney may be borrowing from China for these promises of tax cuts. Because the United States has a trillion dollar deficit from two unpaid wars, tax cuts for billionaires and medicare perks by George W. Bush.

No apologies to the former governor of Florida, Jeb Bush.

Romney may think he's about saving the world with his cape and spandex suit. But he has no foreign policy experience. He lacks in foreign relation skills. He thinks that President Barack Obama is hoping for Iran to have a nuclear weapon.

Since the days of the Bush Administration, all you heard was talk about Iran trying to develop a nuclear weapon. The CIA released a damaging virus to disrupt their program. The president has ordered numerous sanctions against the nation. Iran struck back by cutting off oil supply to the world. That drove gas prices up.

Yeah, we're paying over $50 in fuel. But there's disruptions in oil supply. Hurricanes, trade wars and conflict in the Middle East are factors. The United States doesn't have strong regulations on vehicle emissions. China and India are developing nations. If we drill for oil in the United States, it's not going to lower the prices. The prices of fuel will remain normal. Any oil drilling in the United States will be sold to the global market.

Romney is a huge bore. Nothing I've seen inspired me to change my mind about him. He may have fired up his supporters and there could be a political bounce for his convention speech, but will he take his magic to the debate fields?

We cover the Democratic National Convention. Will there be controversy? Of course.

Could President Barack Obama inspire those he managed to win over four years ago?


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