
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Ron Paul: I Maybe Crazy! But I'm Not Endorsing Mitt Romney For President!

Two perennial candidates share a moment during the 2012 U.S. Presidential Campaign. Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas) ends his third run for president. His often controversial stances on issues such as the foreign wars, the legalization of drugs and eliminating government agencies and the Federal Reserve attracted an often crazy but supportive base of voters. 
The perennial candidate closes out his campaign in Tampa saying he's not going to endorse the Republican nominee. Dubbed the godfather of the American Tea Party movement, this congressman has been at the forefront of the war against the bloated government. Even though, he achieved little success as a legislator, he managed to be a well-known presidential candidate. He is hated both by the left and the right, this perennial candidate knew how to get the crowd roaring.

As the potential Hurricane Isaac disrupts the Republican National Convention, the cult of Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas) is embracing their candidate with a farewell. The candidate announced that he wasn't going to seek reelection for his congressional seat. So as he begins his retirement from the House of Representatives he puts into perspective of his third and final run for Republican presidential nomination.

With a strong (almost scary cult) following of supporters, their aggressive carpet bombing of the internet help garner the congressman respectful coverage.

The supporters believe that the "lack" of coverage of the Ron Paul presidential campaign is a conspiracy created by the mainstream media and Republican leaders to keep him off the ballot.

The supporters of Ron Paul scorned Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich. They believe these two candidates were establishment figures of a bigger conspiracy. They believe that the candidates are followers of the New World Order.

The supporters of Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas) believe the world is misinformed. They want to wake us up! Reality hasn't woke them up! They've  been ridiculed as extremist. The supporters of the congressman's presidential bid are very passionate about this. They have hostile confrontations online and in the public with people. They can become violent if they're provoked by someone who criticized Congressman Ron Paul.
When Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) defected from his father's failed campaign to endorse the perennial candidate, former governor of Massachusetts Mitt Romney, the supporters went totally crazy.

There might be some of these supporters reading this article.

I want them to know the honest opinion about this person.

Ron Paul is an establishment candidate who's "KOOKY" ideas appeal to the broad coalition of pot smokers, disengaged conservatives and libertarians who hate this GOP crop of Presidential candidates, liberals who think he's all about ending the wars, anti-Semitics who think that ending foreign aid to lower nations and Israel is the perfect solution (even though these nations aid the United States in these goddamn wars), extremists (the ones who appear on tax revolters, survivalist, conspiracy theorist and White Supremacists websites) and people who think they've "read the Constitution all the ways!"

Understand this!

Congressman Ron Paul has no accomplishments under his over 30 years in Congress.

One freaking bill was passed by Congress under his sponsorship. He has no other endorsement politically. No one supports a fringe candidate who has a cult of ignorance. Just because a few "weed" smoking celebrities (Snoop Dogg and Kelly Clarkson) endorses this piece of shit, doesn't mean shit!

They'll end up voting for President Barack Obama any fucking way (once again for you for your information). You and the many followers of the cult will get nowhere! What on earth thinks you got the notion that "he's winning" every freaking time!" Paul has not won any states and has the fewest delegates by far.

If he failed the first time and the second time. What gives you the notion to honestly think this candidate could win if he tried for the third time.

The Republicans refuse to invite the former governor of Alaska, Tea Party maven Sarah Palin, former president George W. Bush, former vice president Dick Cheney and Congressman Paul. They fear the potential impact of these figures upstaging the nominee.

According to the New York Times, convention planners offered the Texas congressman the chance to speak under two conditions: that he gave a speech pre-approved by Romney's campaign, and that he give a "full-fledged" endorsement of Mitt Romney.

“It wouldn’t be my speech," Paul said. "That would undo everything I’ve done in the last 30 years. I don’t fully endorse him for president."

While the libertarian candidate effectively ended his presidential bid when he announced that he would stop formally campaigning in May, many of his supporters have held on to the hope that Paul could amass enough support to challenge Romney's nomination. As the Associated Press points out, several hundred delegates are still pledged to support Paul.
Romney's camp has made attempts at mending fences with Paul and his devotees. CBS News reported that a video paying tribute to Paul will be played during the convention.

"While they certainly disagree on many issues, they always have had ... a mutual respect," Romney campaign strategist Russ Schriefer told CBS.

However, Paul's reluctance to give his rival a ringing endorsement should come as little surprise. In May, Paul campaign chairman Jesse Benton told reporters that formal backing was unlikely.

During the presidential campaign, Rick Santorum hammered Paul for "going easy" on Romney while beating up on him and Gingrich. Santorum push forth the claim that Romney called a truce with Paul and they were working together for political favors at the Republican National Convention.

The last time Paul ran for president, he lost to Senator John McCain (R-Arizona). He went on to endorse the  controversial perennial candidate Chuck Baldwin of the Constitution Party.

Baldwin is a radical Christian fundamentalist who is affiliated with the White nationalist movement.