
Thursday, August 09, 2012

Plain Jane!

Media buzz around Senator Rob Portman (R-Ohio). The media has concluded that he is likely the choice of presidential candidate Mitt Romney. Could things change if Portman isn't the running mate?
Who will be the most boring presidential candidate's running mate?

Former Massachusetts governor and perennial candidate for president Mitt Romney is going to be the Republican nominee. But the media is wondering, who will Romney pick as his right hand man?

Talk about Senator Rob Portman (R-Ohio), Senator Marco Rubio (R-Florida), former Minnesota governor Tim Pawlenty, Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal, and CIA chief David Patereus are flying around.

Portman, a junior senator from Ohio has the most media buzz since the notion of Condoleezza Rice, former Secretary of State under President George W. Bush. People are wondering what could shake up the Romney campaign.

For one, Romney can't have a "Mama Grizzly" or "Murphy Brown" type of running mate.

Senator Marco Rubio (R-Florida) is a rising star in the Tea Party Movement. He is an Hispanic lawmaker born to Cuban parents. He won under a three way race against ex-Republican governor Charlie Crist and Democrat Kendrick Meek. He won handily against them. The talk of his being vice president is a dream among Tea Party activists. They want Mitt Romney to stop being nice to President Obama and get a candidate who will "shake things up!"
Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) was forever tarnished when he picked Alaskan governor Sarah Palin, a political novice. Former President George H.W. Bush led with high job approvals until the Los Angeles riots, Hurricane Andrew, and Vice President Dan Quayle's Murphy Brown statements. That led a hippy by the name of William Jefferson Clinton to take the helm of the President Of The United States.

Many conservatives are skeptical about his choice. They don't want a running mate that could be a target of the president's aggressive campaign. They're also worried that Romney missteps and gaffes are going to make it harder for him to win. The candidate outraised President Barack Obama by $34 million in July.

The president is blowing money fast. But his effective strategy to paint Romney as an out of touch millionaire are working. Some swing states have the race dead even. President Barack Obama carried six states that are currently in play.

What makes this a boring race is the enthusiasm gap! Democrats are not as enthusiastic as Republicans.

Republicans aren't thrilled with Mitt Romney! But they're willing to deal with him over President Barack Obama.
Senator John Thune (R-South Dakota) is buzzing. Could he be the pick?
Conservatives are riled up over Andrea Saul and her recent comments about Priorities USA's negative campaign ad claiming that Romney's company Bain Capital fired workers. One of the employees stated his wife died because the company stripped the healthcare after they shut the business down.

Saul made the case in defense of Romneycare, known as the Commonwealth Health Care Reform Act.

Yeah they need to keep the buzz around the vice presidential pick!

Now before we have a jump to conclusion moment, I want to say one thing about this choice. The inner circle knows before the media. They hire a company to distribute products featuring Mitt Romney and his running mate under tight lipped workers who already know, but are told not to leak to the press. There are people in the media (Wolf Blitzer, Sean Hannity and Carl Cameron) already aware of the pick and they're not saying anything until the Romney announcement. So to keep the Obama campaign on its toes, they'll find ways to make sure that this pick is clean by most standards.

Here's a rundown of the odds

Senator Rob Portman (Ohio Senator and former Bush adviser) STRONG LIKELY

Senator Marco Rubio (Florida Senator and Tea Party activist) STRONG SLIGHTLY

Senator John Thune (South Dakota Senator) STRONG LIKELY

Governor Bobby Jindal (Louisiana Governor, former Congressman) NOT LIKELY

Former Governor Tim Pawlenty (Minnesota, former presidential candidate) NOT LIKELY

Former Senator Rick Santorum (Pennsylvania, talk radio host, former presidential candidate) NOT LIKELY

Governor Chris Christie (New Jersey Governor) NOT LIKELY

None Of These Above STRONG LIKELY

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