
Monday, July 02, 2012

Republicans: We Don't Care What It Has! Repeal "OBAMACARE!"

The New York Post puts their spin on the Supreme Court ruling. The controversial cover shows President Barack Obama a doctor with a huge needle and a smirking smile. Another political dog whistle to rile up White voters.

In the middle of July, after their umpteenth congressional break, Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-Ohio) calls upon a vote to repeal the Affordable Health Care Reform Act (aka Obamacare).

After the U.S. Supreme Court ruling declaring the health care law stands, many Republicans were caught off guard by the Chief Justice John Roberts decision to ally with the liberal wing of the court.

So instead of moving on, the Republicans want to rehash the debate about how Obamacare is not only a "job killer" but a "huge tax burden" on the American people. The Sunday morning programs had the Republican leaders and Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-California, Minority Leader) on. Each of them had an opportunity to explain the landmark court ruling and the outcome of this election.

Senator Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky, Minority Leader) was on Fox News Sunday. He opened up a huge burden when he told conservative host Chris Wallace that insuring 30 million Americans isn't an important agenda. When host Wallace asked about the notion of repealing Obamacare could result in 30 million people  losing out health care, Senator McConnell declared covering 30 million uninsured is "not the issue"!

Courtesy of Fox News

CBS Face The Nation host Norah O'Donnell asked Speaker Boehner about the positive impacts of the health care law. One in particular, a portion the law covering young adults until they turn 26 years old. When O'Donnell asked the speaker about what he intends on doing to replace the law, no answer. Just another song and dance about how it's important that the Republicans find "common sense" solutions to replacing the entire law. Speaker Boehner refuses to acknowledge the positive impacts of this law.

Courtesy of CBS News

NBC Meet The Press host David Gregory asked the Congresswoman Pelosi the impact of the healthcare law and how the Republicans are going to make this an election issue. The former speaker fired at shot a Boehner and his leadership. She believes the American people will look at this law as a winning issue. Pelosi declared that the Democratic Party is energized by this decision and they're planning on taking on the Republicans.

Courtesy of NBC News

The Republicans can't really motivate a base that's already exhausted! President Barack Obama is feeling a lot less weaker these days. Future lawsuits against the president may result in the Supreme Court endorsing the conservative wing. The Supreme Court has gave the president relief and a warning. The Republicans can't really fight this law anymore! Many Republican governors will boycott the decision and possible face sanctions from the Justice Department. The candidates that ran for president were weak. None of them could inspire a movement. The Tea Party couldn't stop the impact of Mitt Romney. They were hoping that a conservative leader could emerge out of this.

Romney lost to Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) for the Republican nomination. He and Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas) are perennial candidates. They both channel the same old tired generic message that inspires a boring base of voters. All the talk and fanfare isn't enough to beat President Barack Obama.

I can say this fight over healthcare reform was contentious. It was a bitter debate that lead the Democrats back into the minority. The Republicans hope this decision could inspire people to vote against the president and his party.

Instead of working on solutions, Republicans would rather waste the taxpayer's dime on contempt votes and repeal votes. These issues aren't going anywhere. They can't get anything done until they get a full majority of Congress and Mitt Romney as president.

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