
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Right Wing Radio Host: Call [Obama] The First Monkey President!

Barbara Espinoza
Look a fat old white woman in a moo moo dress! Barbara Espinosa is making the rounds as the newest conservative agitator caught up in a racial insult of the president.

Ok, the gloves are coming off! Now I am getting the feeling that it's not only getting worse, but it's going to agitate Blacks into attacking White people. Conservative white males are always provoking the Black community with racial slurs, stereotypes and the blatant disrespect of President Barack Obama. It's a shame that woman would be a part of this nonsense. But this is expected from some of the people in Arizona. A state with a growing Hispanic population, and a bunch of bitter ass White people upset about it!

Barbara Espinosa, appeared on her radio program to call the president a monkey. Yeah, the old dog whistle to paint the president as inferior. White supremacists love to compare Blacks to monkeys and say our IQs are lower than those who are White. But yet these are the idiots who protest on the side of busy highway with misspelled signs and misinformation they've gotten off the internet or conservative media outlets! These are the keyboard warriors flocking to the comment sections of blogs and news agitation websites to rant off their hate of the Black community, the president and those who support them. There are some who are purely ignorant and then those who are the professional bigots. The most dangerous is the professional bigot!

It's what it is in the United States. A bunch of pessimistic conservative white people and their reactionary, condescending bigotry masquerading as patriotism. 

The issue made the rounds at Addicting Info and NewsOne, two liberal agitating websites.

According to NewsOne, Espinosa made a comment stating that Barack Obama is the nation’s “first monkey president” live on the air. NewsOne obtained portions of the controversy from
Monkey shines. White supremacists depict the president, First Lady Michelle Obama and others as monkeys.

In response to a caller named Richard who was rambling on and on about how he calls the president “Rabbit Ears,” and saying that he would like to know who actually voted for “the idiot” in the White House who is trying to destroy the country, Espinosa chimed in with: “Well, I don’t call him “rabbit ears,” I call him a monkey,” she said. “I don’t believe in calling him the first Black president, I call him the first Monkey president.”

Listen to the comments here.

Courtesy of YouTube

Alright, I am going to assume that conservatives will rush to the internet saying those evil liberals called former president George W. Bush a monkey. The media laughed when an Iraqi journalist threw his shoes at him. Kanye West saying that Bush didn't care about Black people.  

Yeah, this is an ongoing issue and I am getting tired of it!

Republicans can't admit they're pandering to extremists. The Tea Party Movement is a reactionary response to the first Black president. The Republicans oppose the policies of the president. They want nothing to do with him. They want to see him defeated. They'll channel their rage online and ask supporters to make it possible to help them defeat him. They disrespect the president, First Lady Michelle Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and their allies in the name of these stupid culture wars.

I would love to see the reaction she'll get in her email box. Assured that death threats and calls for her removal off of radio are coming. And she'll even get proper booking on Sean Hannity. After all, Hannity loves to give people redemption after a scandal.