
Saturday, June 16, 2012

One Person's View of the Convict Leasing System by Kumari

Mr. Calhoun.

Thank you for a very rational and truthful comment on the racist convict-leasing system. There is the beginning of your comment where you and I part ways:

"This book is both profoundly factual, and at times, partially "un-factual," -- that is, reconstructed history. In instances where the ex-slaves could not speak for themselves, which were many, Mr. Blackmon deigns to speak for them himself. It is what can only be called "necessary historical extrapolation, in defense of the defenseless." "

I believe that someone must speak for those who have remained voiceless for so many generations, and as many Black people living during this time could not speak up, and out for themselves, it is commendable that the book's author speaks for the wronged Black people who suffered during this time era.

The dead remember our silence.

The author of the book chose to speak for them.

Now, on to your review.

Everything you stated is spot on.

The basis for America's cruel continued racism against her Black citizens did originate during slavery, and still continues well into the 21ST Century. It will never go away, so deeply ingrained is race hatred against Black Americans, who have been the true conscience of this hateful country.

To "S. McCrea", who commented that the North had very few Blacks, that is a damned lie. The North had many Black Blacks, as well as enslaved Blacks. The North was home to Patty Cannon, a filthy female who with her family and cohorts, kidnapped free Blacks off the streets, and sold them into slavery; the North was the home of the vicious Irish lynch mobs of the New York Draft Riots during the Civil War; the North was home to rabid, sadistic lynch mob-race riots of East St. Louis, MO (1917) where "brave, stalwart" chivalrous white men murdered defenseless Black women, Black children, elderly Black men and women, Black iinvalids in wheelchairs; the great, lovely North was home to other massacres against black people with the bloodthirsty racial massacre of defenseless Black citizens by their fellow Irish Americans in the Chicago Race riot of 1919.

The North.

Oh, so kind and "soft" to her defenseles Black citizens.

Face facts, the North was a heathenish, slutty, great Whore of Babylon against her Black citizens.

Just as America still is against her Black citizens.

Where the South had de jure segregation, the evil, hypocritical North had de facto segregation.

Both types attacked, crushed, vilified, humiliated and slaughtered millions of Black citizens all across this damned hypocrisy of a country. This rogue nation of evil. This country founded and based on a lie.

As for this comment:

"White" folks, to quote a black comedian, do not start everyday with a conference call to coordinate tactics to keep the "black" man down."

Whites do not have to coordinate a conference to "keep Black people down".

They have had centuries of White Affirmative Action to do that for them, the legacies of which still exist with us today.

To "Thurdell Wycliff":

"I truly believe, much of this shameful action would be reduced significantly, if only White America could or would ask for forgiveness. It would be granted. "

Forgiveness must be earned, and white-run America has never earned my forgiveness. And forgiveness is not enough. Forgive whites for they can continue on with their indifference to continued racial inequality in education, still segregated housing, disparity in the criminal (in)justice sentencing? You have to earn MY forgiveness, and white-run America has not earned the right to my forgiving them, and all they still benefit from through unearned advantages.

There is one main thing I will NEVER forgive white-run America for:

The mass gangrapes committed by white slave masters, white slave overseers, white male visitors to plantations against defenseless enslaved Black women and girls.

I will NEVER forgive white men, especially those walking around now, like the living pieces of human excrement that they are, who during Jane Crow segregation committed the many rapes against defenseless Black women and girls, many of whom became pregnant due to white male racist/sexist hatred.

I will NEVER forgive for that.

And that is one aspect of slavery/segregation that many white people, especially white men, will NEVER have the backbone or balls to own up to.
The past is never forgotten.

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