
Sunday, January 24, 2010

#Haiti looting horror: Girl shot dead by #police for taking paintings

15-year-old lies dead after being shot in the head in The horrifying aftermath of Haiti's earthquake has claimed another victim in the form of a 15-year-old girl, an apparent looter, shot dead by police. Fabienne Cherisma was killed with a bullet to the head after taking paintings from a wrecked shop in downtown Port-au-Prince on Tuesday. Pictures of the teenager show her slumped face down over one of the paintings and a trail of blood seeping from the wound. Witnesses said it was unclear if she was deliberately targeted or accidentally hit while police fired in the air to disperse a crowd which was carrying goods from Rue Grand Rice. A conflicting account gave her name as Fabienne Geismar and said she was killed in Rue Marthely Seiee.Police armed with rifles shot over the heads of the people and kicked a man, part of a delayed effort to regain control of a capital which has been lawless – but largely calm – since the 12 January earthquake.


  1. Why is this wasn't reported in mainstream news? It's a repeat of the police brutality in New Orleans where the police took liberties in abusing poor people, shooting them sometimes and get away with it.

    This girl didn't deserve such brutality meted out by police. My tears and sympathy goes out to the girl's family.


    La Reyna

  2. OMG. SMH I want know why this wasn't news as well!

  3. Anonymous2:45 AM

    I have followed the media coverage of this story from the perspective of the present photojournalists.

    It is an extensive review of twelve parts.
