
Friday, October 31, 2008

Abuse Victim Alejandra Vazquez Laid To Rest

Tears flow for 'another Nixzmary Brown' as 11-year-old laid to rest

A sad and steady procession of mourners came to a Brooklyn funeral home Thursday to bid farewell to Alejandra Vazquez, the 11-year-old schoolgirl cops say was beaten to death with a mop handle by her mom.
Many of the relatives, friends, neighbors - and more than a few strangers touched by her tragic story - arrived at the Ponce Funeral Home on Fourth Ave. with their arms full of flowers.
One small child went in clutching a single red rose to her heart.
Almost all had tears in their eyes, prayers on their lips - or both.
"This is so sad, so horrible," said one mourner who only gave the name Maria, gesturing at the open casket where Alejandra's body lay in a glistening white dress, her face heavily made up to mask her injuries.
"This should happen to nobody, but it seems worse when it happens to such a little girl."
Nearby, Barbara Medina, who helped collect money for Alejandra's dress through a nonprofit organization, nodded agreement.
"This didn't have to happen. This is like another Nixzmary Brown," she said. "This child died by herself and is leaving us by herself."
Alejandra's uncle, Celerino Vazquez, 30, said the family was struggling to cope with the tragedy. "We're all praying. It's something we just have to get through."
Florencia Vazquez, 36, confessed to beating her daughter to death with a mop handle and leaving her to die in her own bed, but later claimed the girl suffered her fatal injuries in a fall.
Alejandra was found dead Sunday morning. The case is going to a grand jury.
Meanwhile, the concerns of close family friend Sophia Morales, 23, are for Alejandra's three siblings - ages 6, 3 and 1.
"They are wondering what happened," she said. "I just don't know how to answer them."


  1. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Hi Reyna my name is Barbara Medina from Project Cover Zone and
    I did the funeral arrangements for Alejandra, it is a sad story we hear very often
    in our society today. Thank you for supporting this little girl who should of had a
    normal child hood, and came to the United states Of America to live an American
    dream and was cut to quickly by her own mother Florencia Vasquaz, who beat her to death
    with in a month of her arrival.
    God bless America ( Project Cover Zone )

  2. Hello Ms. Medina,

    Thanks for commenting. It's sad in this day and age to see young people, esp. young girls die at the hands of those who claimed to protect and love.

    My heart goes out to the relatives of Miss Alejandra Vasquez. She didn't deserve to die. I just hope the mother goes to prison and stay there for the rest of her natural born life.

    May Miss Alejandra Vasquez rests in peace.

    La Reyna

  3. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Hi, Do not believe this lady. The Mexican consult helped with the cost of the funeral.

  4. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Great article as for me. I'd like to read more about this theme. Thanx for giving that information.

  5. Anonymous2:47 PM

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    Avril Kuree

  6. carouser1:48 AM

    The hate for her daughters, apparently, spurs from distaste for their father still living in Mexico. So tragic how often let their hate for other people pour over onto those that do truly love them. An 11-year-old girl should never have to die for her mother’s old wounds.
