
Saturday, June 09, 2007

This Week's Links for 6-9-2007

To all my readers,

Here are several article I have for your reading pleasure:

"Diversity Is Still An Issue at TV Networks"- LA Times. How about more diverse viewpoints in newsrooms as well? It's still not diverse despite the growing population of people of Color in the U.S. C'mon, y'all can do better than that. Hat tip to for the link.

Fox News Bundles Race Reporting. No Brainer here.

This article is from The Gimp Parade via Rachel's Tavern. It's about the Long Island Couple suing the fertility clinic for the "wrong" in-vitro that resulted in having a child darker than her parents. This is not new, for in the 1990s when a white woman was given the wrong in-vitro that resulted in her having a biracial Black girl(now a teenager). She sued the clinic for damages and was generously compensated. What if such thing happened to a Black expectant mother? Would she be generously compensated for giving her the wrong treatment? Would the public be sympathetic to her plight? What you say?

More petitions against hateful racist/sexist stereotyping by corporations. Please sign them. Thank you Ann for bringing this to the forefront.

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