Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Corey Lewandowski: Womp Womp!

Trump's former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski mocks a down syndrome girl.

Entertainers who worked for Fox Entertainment are fed up with the bullshit being spread by Fox News. The right wing network has constantly dismissed the notion that Donald J. Trump may have committed criminal acts.

Today, the Trump team announced that the United States is pulling out the United Nations Human Rights Council.

Former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski made an ass of himself when he was on Fox News. The agitator was debating a Democratic strategist when he brought up a down syndrome girl being taken to the detention center.

Lewandowski dismissed the concern by saying "womp, womp."

Strategist Zac Petkanas caught that and immediately slammed that turd.

"How dare you!"

Lewandowski quickly shot back saying, "you can pick  anything you want out, but the bottom line is very clear, when you cross the border illegally, you have given up the rights of this country."

No apologies yet.

However, there is mounting pressure to get Trump to sign off the waiver.

1 comment:

La Reyna said...

Corey's contempt for Children of Color is so typical of right wingers and the Alt-Right people as well as 45. He's a disgrace and an menace to America. He needs to be removed as well as the rest of the crew.



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