Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Bullied Kid's Mom Is The Real Bully!

The junk food media covers a bullied boy and his racist mom.

I was almost sorry for the Knoxville kid who was bullied by his fellow classmates. Keaton Jones became an overnight celebbrity after a viral video of him crying about children picking on him because of his big nose. He said children poured milk on him, put ham in his pants and mocked him for not having friends.

It touched 20 million people. They viewed the video on Facebook and it was successful outreach to stop bullying.

His mother Kimberly filmed it and shared it publicly. Became an overnight hit.

Major celebrities, athletes, politicians, and even Donald J. Trump's son Don, Jr. came out with support.

The donations started pouring in. About $58,000 was received.

Now a public backlash aimed at the mother. The mother, Kimberly Smith posted some offensive remarks about Black people, NFL players taking a knee and sharing pictures of her family waving the Confederate flag.

Internet users screenshots the posts and share them online before she went private on her Facebook account.

So far, the junk food media has tried to reach out to the family. They got the door slammed in their face.

Some still show some compassion towards Keaton. Others remind him and his mother that if they want respect, they have to show respect too.

The junk food media has often played upon sympathy to generate ratings.

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