Friday, September 29, 2017

Tom Price Fired Out The Cannon!

Sayonara to Tom Price, the disgraced Secretary of Health and Human Services.
Looks like the world's most inept leader will have to find a replacement for Health and Human Services.

Tom Price is fired out the cannon. The Health and Human Services secretary found himself and embroiled in a controversy involving him taking private jets and military planes for a short trip travel. Price cost taxpayers over a million dollars for his travels.

Price was a former congressman from Georgia who quickly resigned join the inner circle of our inept leader Donald J. Trump. Price wanted to help Trump quickly repeal and replace Obamacare.

So far, Republicans have failed and repealing the Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare. The Republicans suck their own repeal-and-replace bill.

Tom Price find himself without a friend in the world. It riled up Trump. Now in the midst of three catastrophic hurricanes, Trump will know how to find someone to lead the Health and Human Services.

Just yesterday price was on Fox News giving his side of the story to where I he took private jets.

The EPA chief Scott Pruitt, Secretary of interior Ryan zinke, Secretary of Treasury Steve mnuchin and Trump's economic advisor Gary Cohen have used taxpayer dollars for private travel. They are also facing controversy as well.

Price's resignation is a huge story. He was on thin ice after it was revealed that he was involved in possible inside trading and unethical practices.

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