Friday, January 17, 2014

Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn Retires!

Conservative Republican and former Obama friend Senator Tom Coburn (R-Oklahoma) will resign.

The senator who release an annual book on government waste is wasting away literally. His health is declining and he has announced his retirement.

The Republican is a medical doctor and Southern Baptist deacon. He is the junior senator from Oklahoma.

Coburn was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1994 as part of the Republican Revolution. He upheld his campaign pledge to serve no more than three consecutive terms and did not run for re-election in 2000. In 2004, he returned to political office with a successful run for the U.S. Senate.

In January, 2014, Coburn announced he would resign before the natural expiration of his final term, due to health reasons.

Coburn is a fiscal and social conservative, known for his opposition to deficit spending and pork barrel projects and for his leadership in the pro-life movement. He supports term limits, gun rights and the death penalty, and opposes gay marriage.

In the Senate, he is known as "Dr. No" for his tendency to place holds on and vote against bills he views as unconstitutional.

Coburn released his annual oversight report “Wastebook 2013” highlighting 100 examples of wasteful and low-priority spending totaling nearly $30 billion.

Hey, Coburn how about your paycheck?

Isn't it government waste that you and the 99 members of the U.S. Senate get elected to not pass legislation that benefits all Americans?

His decision to resign from the U.S. Senate takes effective 2015.

How Coburn became a newsworthy event?

When then candidate Barack Obama mentioned his bipartisanship with Republicans, he would mention Senator Tom Coburn (R-Oklahoma) as a person he's willing to work with. Obama once considered Coburn, a friend.

Of course the conservative agitators demanded that Coburn denounce the friendship. He would appear on That Guy Who Helped Obama Win's radio program to officially annul the friendship.

What it means for the U.S. Senate?


Because its strongly Republican state. I mean if possible that Oklahoma governor Republican Mary Fallin was granted the rights to appoint a replacement I am guessing she'll pick Congressman Tom Cole (R-OK), a Chickasaw Nation politician. He is probably one of the few Native American lawmakers in Congress. If that wasn't her choice she could stir the pot and bring former Congressman J.C. Watts, Jr. back into the spotlight.

If she does, that makes him the first Black politician in Oklahoma to serve as a U.S. Senator.

In the meantime Coburn will continue to be assisting his friends The Stallmigos in Senate delaying President Barack Obama's nominees and proposals.

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