Monday, April 01, 2013

Right Outrage Over Another Obama Pastor!

No matter what he does, the conservative agitators will never be satisfied. Even on traditional holidays of religion, some conservative agitator has to find an issue with it!

If he's a Muslim why would he attend Easter service?

If he's a racist why would he pick Joe Biden as his vice president?

If he's destroying the country, why is the stock market up so high, and the economy bouncing back?

Republicans are divided over whether President Barack Obama is a Muslim or Christian. Whether he's a weak leader or a Communist! Whether he's destroying the country or working on transforming the country!

This shows that the Republican Party's obsessive attacks on the president are starting to become more of an annoyance than something that rings the newswires.

I mean how much phony outrage is developed over the president's daughters taking a trip to the Bahamas?

The Drudge Report slips in a Weekly Standard story about the Easter egg roll at The White House. The Republicans and their conservative allies are screaming about the sequester cuts. Sequester cuts will now affect the White House tours and Republicans are demanding the president reinstate the tours.

The president attempting to make a basketball shot over 20 times and only making two shots. And First Lady Michelle Obama is asking children to eat healthy and exercise. The conservative media goes bananas (as usual). It's never enough for the conservative agitating media to whine about the daily routine, but for them to scream over the Easter egg roll, the White House tours and now another pastor says something about conservatives and they're upset.

The pastor in his sermon accused politically conservative Christians of being misogynist, racist and anti-immigrant.

The Christian Post reports "It drives me crazy when the captains of the religious right are always calling us back ... for blacks to be back in the back of the bus ... for women to be back in the kitchen ... for immigrants to be back on their side of the border," the Rev. Luis León preached at St. John's Episcopal Church, according to a pooled press report.

The church is just blocks away from the White House and is sometimes referred to as the "church of the presidents." Obama was sitting in the pews with his wife, Michelle, and his daughters, Sasha and Malia. They do not attend services at St. John's on a regular basis, but they have attended the church on many occasions.

The criticism of conservative Christians was worked into an Easter sermon on the resurrection. Before the critique, León was telling his audience to move forward and not dwell on the past. Jesus told Mary, he said, not to hold on to the past: "you cannot go back."
Thank god for Media Matters.
In what could have been intended as another rebuke of conservative Christians, León added, "the message of Easter is about the power of love over loveless power."

Mark Tooley, president of The Institute on Religion & Democracy, criticized León for using his Easter sermon to deliver "cheap shots" and a political message.

About four years ago, conservatives were running around with the notion that former Trinity United Church of Christ pastor Jeremiah Wright was a racist. He speaks his opinion about the government and Black America, and the right wing goes totally berserk.

The country's most annoying conservative agitator Sean Hannity spent a portion of his time rallying against the president using Jeremiah Wright as that weapon. He tried to encourage perennial loser Mitt Romney to use this as an attack.

The most ignorant conservative agitator Rush Limbaugh rants on and on about the president's allies being "low information voters".

How about we call these two conservative agitators pied pipers! They've played the flute and every rat followed them through town.

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