Thursday, April 11, 2013

Black Woman Lies White, Gets Job Interview!

Yolonda Spivey, an unemployed woman creates a fake profile as a White woman to seek jobs

Special thanks to David Packman, EurWeb and Addicting Info for putting this out.

Okay, I've said it too many times. It's nearly harder for a person of color to find a job in this economy.

Whenever Black conservatives point fingers at the Democratic Party for the outlandish conditions due to economic turmoils within the Black community, they've always painted a political opponent solely responsible for the outcome.

The David Packman Show, a liberal talk radio host who streams his programs through YouTube and the liberal news agitator website Addicting Info brings forth a story about Yolanda Spivey, a unemployed woman who decided to challenge a claim that so many people of color longed complained about.

Today's society thinks of Blacks as "natural born criminals". Black males are always singled out in regards to rape, gun crime, violence towards White people and lousy workers. In the conservative/White supremacist bubble, anything that comes from the likes of That Guy Who Throws Shit To The Wall, is certain to draw their ire.

The first Black president, Barack Obama is a representative of empowerment and strength within the Black community. The conservative/White supremacist bubble undermines this success as another "affirmative action Nigger!" This is why you hear crap about Black communities being ruined by Democrats and Black leaders. The condescending rhetoric from the likes of these people are certain to rile up Black voters.

Failure to understand that the real issues keep Blacks down. Institutional racism is a perceived fear of a Black worker. Institutional racism describes any kind of system of inequality based on race. It can occur in institutions such as public government bodies, private business corporations (such as media outlets), and universities (public and private).

Persistent negative stereotypes fuel institutional racism, and influence interpersonal relations. Racial stereotyping contributes to patterns of racial residential segregation, and shape views about crime, crime policy, and welfare policy, especially if the contextual information is stereotype-consistent. A great percentage of white Americans rate Black Americans and Latino Americans as less intelligent, preferring to live from welfare benefits rather than work, and “more difficult to get along with socially”.

Institutional racism is distinguished from racial bigotry by the existence of institutional systemic policies, practices and economic and political structures which place non-white racial and ethnic groups at a disadvantage in relation to an institution’s white members. One example is public school budgets (including local levies and bonds) and the quality of teachers, which in the U.S. are often correlated with property values: rich neighborhoods are more likely to be more 'white' and to have better teachers and more money for education, even in public schools.

Restrictive housing contracts and bank lending policies have also been listed as forms of institutional racism.

Other examples are racial profiling by security guards and police, use of stereotyped racial caricatures (e.g. "Indian" sport mascots), the under- and mis-representation of certain racial groups in the junk food media, and race-based barriers to gainful employment and professional advancement. Additionally, differential access to goods, services, and opportunities of society can be included within the term institutional racism, such as unpaved streets and roads, inherited socio-economic disadvantage, “standardized” tests (each ethnic group prepared for it differently; many are poorly prepared), et cetera.

EurWeb and Techyville report that this experiment is controversial and it's giving credence to the Black community's claims that it's harder to work if you're Black!

Yolanda Spivey, an insurance professional, could not understand how the offers simply dried up for her after being in the insurance industry for an entire decade.  She was out of a job for two years before it occurred to her that she might need to further her education, according to Techyville.

She went back to school and finished her degree, but the job opportunities did not increase. She was still in a rut until a young white woman who graduated with her told her how she had applied for a job as a clerk, but was given an executive position simply because a fellow white woman in Human Resources “just liked her.”

A lightbulb went off in her head! Why don’t I apply as a white woman?  She found that her experiment yielded numerous immediate results.  She was an overnight success story when she applied online as Bianca White. Some interviewers called her more than once seeking an interview with her.

But, while she became an overnight sensation with employers, she was not shocked at the results. Check out her experiment here and the online experience that may shock you.

Black conservatives failed to see that they're just Niggers like the Black liberals. It doesn't matter what political affiliation you have, in the minds of White conservative males, you're just NIGGERS!

Those Black conservatives are NIGGERS who know their place!

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