Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Keith Ellison: [Hannity], The GOP Is Your Pimp!

Congressman Keith Ellison (D-Minnesota) gets into a heated debate with Sean Hannity.

That's not what the congressman said. However, this is what that annoying conservative agitator does on his nightly program and radio show. This conservative agitator practically tricking for the Republican Party.

The Minnesota congressman who was elected in 2006 as the first American Sunni Muslim and state's first African American took great offense to Fox News and the conservative agitator Sean Hannity.

Hannity listed the Democratic congressman as one of his headliners to his program.

They were going to debate the looming sequester deadline. The sequester is likely to happen putting many Americans at risk of losing their jobs. The Democrats offer a plan that includes cuts to spending but tax increases. Republicans offer a plan that includes cuts to spending but no tax increases. They're gridlocked at taxes on the wealthy.

Republicans are unpopular in this debate. It doesn't stop them from holding firm on their "principles".

Hannity goes into his selective editing of President Barack Obama's speech to a naval contractor in Newport News, Virginia and makes a word salad of insults and hyperbolic rhetoric. Hannity rants about how this sequester is not a big deal and the president is lying to the American people about this. And even claiming that it was his idea in the first place.

After playing his selective clip, the conservative agitator starts talking to Congressman Keith Ellison (D-Minnesota) about how the president is "fearmongering" the public.

Congressman Ellison went right into Hannity.

“You're the worst excuse for a journalist I've ever seen,” said Ellison.

That right there got Sean Hannity livid. And for the rest of the interview they get into a screaming match over who's at fault and what didn't get done and the like.
Sean Hannity upset with Congressman Keith Ellison after he called the conservative agitator a Republican shill.
Hannity kept lobbing these accusations that it was the president's massive debt and spending the causes of a stalled economy.

Ellison countered that the sequester was a part of the compromise by Congress to get them motivated to pass legislation that promised equal sacrifices. The congressman told Hannity that the combination of legislators in the "supercommittee" failed to reach a deal. The Republicans stubborn views on taxes have pretty much stalled Washington and progress. And now the American people have to pay because of this.

Hannity didn't buy this. He also went on to say how it's immoral to have such a massive debt.

Ellison shot back and told the conservative agitator that he's immoral and liar. Ellison declared that Sean Hannity (and likely Fox News) are shilling for the Republican Party.

Now that's how the interview went. It's certainly going to have some play on the networks. But also fuels Hannity's argument that MSNBC (or what he calls NBC News) is the pro-Obama network.

MSNBC hired former Barack Obama press secretary Robert Gibbs and campaign adviser David Axelrod to its roster.

Fox News hired former George W. Bush press secretary Dana Perino, former chief of staff Karl Rove, and former UN secretary John Bolton. Fox News commentator Tony Snow served as a press secretary for George W. Bush. Snow died in 2008.

Ellison was notably upset about the guests featured on Hannity's program some time ago. Hannity allows anti-Islamic extremists Pam Geller, Frank Gaffney, Bridget Gabrielle, David Horowitz, Jesse Lee Peterson and Alveda King to openly bash Muslims.

Ellison and Congressman Andre Carson (D-Indiana) are African Americans who are Sunni Muslims. They won reelection easily in their respectable districts.

Not many Democratic lawmakers appear on this program. Not many Democratic lawmakers appear on Fox News in general. The only occasion you at least see a Democratic lawmaker is Fox News Sunday.

Democrats figured that Fox News advocates the talking points of the Republican Party. They don't want to waste their time trying to get a message across to an audience that is already hell bent on seeing their defeat in general elections.

Sean Hannity in particular is one of the reasons why Barack Obama won reelection.

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