Tuesday, December 18, 2012

White Extremists Angry At GOP Over Tim Scott Pick!

Senator Tim Scott (R-South Carolina) can't catch a break even with his own party!
The White terrorists online had it up to here with the Republican Party. Their last hope for an all White political party were squandered today by the announcement of Congressman Tim Scott (R-South Carolina) being appointed to serve as a U.S. Senator for the departing Jim DeMint.

Of course, the Republicans can relish in their choice. For next two years, Republicans will booster their "street cred". On your favorite website's comment section, they'll be remarks about Tim Scott being the "next Black hope" and how liberal Black politicians such as President Barack Obama are the "real racists!" They'll continue to push the false narrative that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. being a registered Republican in order to make the case to impose legislation that roll back civil rights and progress.

As usual I notice that this decision will have detectors. First the liberals will slam this decision as a political ploy to win over Black votes. They'll say that Scott, is a certified nut job. They'll first figure out a competitor who's likely going to take him on! The Democrats may find a Black candidate to take on Senator Tim Scott.

They'll find out embarrassing stories about his life. Seeing Scott isn't married, they'll question his sexuality.

The right on the other hand are mixed! Conservatives will use this a rally call to dismiss critics about the political philosophy being racist. Others on the hand will find an exit. They'll move on to third parties such as the Constitution Party or American Third Position Party. Those two parties cater to White extremists.

Today, I have scoped out the websites which I choose to keep off this page! They're flexing their internet gangsta about the decision and let's just say it's not pretty.

Many conservatives outrage online about NEGRO in South Carolina. Some conservatives praise the decision, others look at this as travesty! Some may think it may break the ice with Black voters, others think that it's another lame attempt for political correctness.
The hate towards President Barack Obama is unprecedented.
Senator Jim DeMint, a controversial conservative firebrand for the Tea Party was praised online by White terrorists. They've felt that his move to the Heritage Foundation and his praise of Scott were treasonous to their cause.

Some called Scott more than just a NIGGER, but a GROID, a HERSHEY, BOOT LIP, and numerous other racial slurs. White terrorists believe that the move by Republican governor Nikki Haley was purely political and slam her and Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) as "RINOS" or "conservatives in name only!"

The Root writer Cord Jefferson wrote in 2010 about White terrorists online faced with the choice, on who they would for if the election was a matter of principle. One website I choose to keep off this page state "[Given the choice if you had an option, would you] vote for a conservative nigger or a libtard human?”

The websites classify "human" for White people.
Besides President Barack Obama, white extremists attack Republican South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley and Senator Tim Scott (R-South Carolina). White extremists hate Republicans for allowing them into the fold.
I've seen it time after time, these individuals are hiding online. They rather hide online than face the person they've attacked in the public. They fan the flames of hate and division. They're not happy over the changing demographics in the nation. They're not happy that President Barack Obama easily trounced Mitt Romney. They're not happy about the way of the economy. They believe that regardless of what the president does the country is going downhill. They know that the world is changing and their grip on society is in decline.

Is it possible that a Black person create a website and devote it to the hate of White people?

I will bet you that the moment some Black extremist creates a website like this, conservative agitators will raise holy hell about it and scream that the person, President Barack Obama, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson or Attorney General Eric Holder are the true racists.

During the first term of President Barack Obama, we seen Van Jones, Shirley Sherrod, UN Ambassador Susan Rice, Attorney General Eric Holder, First Lady Michelle Obama and their children face the most hostile comments from those in the conservative media.

They feed extremists misinformation about the president's birth certificate, his policies and his stances on many social issues.

As the president's job approval rises, the Republicans scramble to win back the message. The fiscal cliff is tearing a hole into the Republican stronghold. They're not winning on the tax issue. The Sandy Hook shooting has the Democrats now demanding reasonable gun control. The public is in favor of reasonable gun control.
Black liberals think of him as a TOKEN. White conservatives think of him as a NIGGER that doesn't complain!
Many Americans want compromise, Mitt Romney to fade out of the spotlight and hate the new batch of  possible Republican contenders for the 2016 United States presidential election. With Scott being appointed as a senator, not much is going to make Republicans look any better with the American public.

Senator Tim Scott (R-South Carolina) doesn't represent the values of African Americans.

He's not an Uncle Tom or sellout! He's only an extremist in my opinion.

He will assume the role of political gridlock in the country. He will try his hardest to be a thorn in President Barack Obama's agenda. Despite the criticism from many liberal Black politicians, Scott represents a milestone. He will be the seventh U.S. Senator after Roland Burris.

Yeah, he may be a Black person who broke the color line with a 95% White senate, but his actions were to roll back the gains of many others! This is a reason to why Black people aren't supporting the Republican Party.


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