Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Chris Matthews: Condi Rice Could Counter Obama’s “Ethnic Excitement”

Crooks and Liars » Chris Matthews: Condi Rice Could Counter Obama’s “Ethnic Excitement”: "Chris Matthews as been sticking his foot in his mouth (more so than usual) a lot this primary season and during MSNBC’s coverage of the State of the Union address tonight, he stepped in it again. Tweety made the suggestion that because Barack Obama has created an ethnic excitement in America, if he doesn’t get the nomination Condi Rice would make a great VP choice for a GOP candidate because black people might still be hopeful of putting an African American in higher government:

Matthews:”…And I have to think given the ethnic, you know, excitement - let’s call it American excitement about Barack Obama. If he doesn’t make it to the nomination a lot of people on the Republican side might say, well why don’t we try do something to offset that and take advantage of the hope of having an African American at a high level of government.”

This is wrong on so many levels, and certainly does nothing to end the media meme that race and gender are driving this primary season. Somehow, I don’t think Condi would motivate a lot of Democrats to vote for a Republican this year. He’s also echoing Robert Novak on this one too."

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