Wednesday, January 31, 2007

What Steve Sailer Would Never Say

Steve Sailer has a post at his blogspot which discusses human mating/dating/marriages habits in today's society. He contends that people tend to choose long-term mates of similar backgrouds while sowing wild oats with those who doesn't. What he doesn't write is that society has long regulate matings of the opposite class, race, culture, ethnicity, religion, educational background. Society usedthe eugenics movement, residential/educational segregation, intermarriage laws, old-boys/old-girls network, immigration laws, segregation of unpopular racial/ethnic groups, anti-gay/lesbian laws, inheritance laws, etc., in order to keep random mating/dating/marriage between various peoples in check.


La Reyna said...

To Rachel,

Not to fear, I've confronted this idiot for the last five years and only once he responded to me. To me, he's a coward.

Stephanie B.

Anonymous said...

Sailer's article doesn't even make any sense. It's as if he just opened up a "dictionary of racist thought" and started randomly using the words he found there. He just makes a series of "observations", based on no real evidence, and then states a conclusion that's completely unconnected to these observations.

I think that racism has warped Sailer's brain to the point that he's become completely incapable of rational thought.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Stephanie!

I went over to that site, read the filth and vitiol that the commentors spewedout, and decided to give them my answer to their hatred.

I said very little. I let the links I gave them speak for themselves.

Oh, what's that old saying, "A picture is worth a thousand words"?

No sense in trying to talk to people like Sailor and his insane commentors.

Best to let them hang themselves with their own words.

Anyway, I left them my take on thier perverted thinking.


sailerfraud said...

"Sailer's article doesn't even make any sense. It's as if he just opened up a "dictionary of racist thought" and started randomly using the words he found there."

Actually, Steve Sailer is running out of ideas and left to rewrite and recycle his older articles. He's truly dead-broke morally and financially and in a dead-end situation with two sons reaching the college age and having no way to pay for it.

Yes, the official Steve Sailer Sucks site.

As Steve is dead broke and in a dead-end rut, I can envision him taking out a large life insurance policy on his wife. Then, his wife just "accidentally" dies, although forensic evidence reveals foul play as time passes. Hmmmmm... the bizzare world of Steve Sailer.

La Reyna said...

To all of my fellow bloggers, Rachel, Ann, Gordo, and Sailerfraud:

Thanks for contributing your comments to this forum. Steve Sailer has gotten away with it for too long and must made to pay for his evil journalism against humankind. that seems to be a pattern for conservatives, racist, misogynists in the internet. It's to put down people or groups they don't like and don't care.

Once again, thanks.

Stephanie B.

p.s. If anyone has a news item for me to put on my blog, please e-mail me ASAP. Thank you.

La Reyna said...

To those leaving spam,

If you don't have anything to say to the issue at hand, please don't put anything. It's annoying.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Stephanie.

I left another comment over at Sailor's.

The finishing touch on black women's desirability.



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